Special #1

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-alright kiddies, i really enjoyed writing this and i hope you enjoy reading it. I might write another but i've tried to sum up everything I left hanging loose. I'm also thinking of doing a Q&A so message me questions if you think i should xx

21 years have passed

"For the sake of the Goddess, will you hurry up Serena!" Josh called out to his 16-year-old daughter from the front door where his other two kids were waiting.

"Dad! We're going to be late for my game!" 13-year-old Bo complained.

"And mine you dickhead!" His twin brother Jax said and gave Bo a punch in the arm.

"Watch your language!" Josh scolded his son.

"Take the boys, I'll bring Serena," Kiran called from the kitchen.

"Alright, you heard him. Get in the car." Josh marched the two 13-year-old boys out to their black Range Rover. 

"Come on Bess, you know I would never kiss a boy you like. We're, like, best friends." Serena said into her mobile. She twirled her long blonde hair around her finger whilst she tried to convince her best friend that she didn't actually kiss Jake Carrington, even though she did.

"Come on Serena," Kiran groaned as he marched into his daughter's room. It was a mess, half her closet was lying on the ground and her makeup table looked like a bomb had gone off on it.

"Oh, sorry Bess. Gotta go!" Serena said quickly before hanging up and turning around with a grin. "Hia Daddy."

"We're going to miss your brothers' big game." He said disapprovingly as he watched her pocket her mobile and head to her makeup table. 

"Oh, what a shame." She said, very sarcastically.

"You're just like your mother," Kiran said as she had sounded almost identical to Haven.

"I'm nothing like that bitch!" Serena said under her breath, but her dad still heard.

"Oh baby, I know it's still a raw topic. But she's not that bad, she loves you so much." Kiran said, coming forward to console his daughter.

"I would never up and leave my family. Not the way she did it. She doesn't even care to come back occasionally to say hi." Serena spoke angrily but Kiran could see she was on the verge of tears.

Kiran pulled her into a hug. "Your mother has a lot of issues she needs to sort out, one that affects thoughts and actions. She's not doing it to hurt you." He spoke softly into her blonde hair. It was the same shade as Havens.

Serena pulled away and spoke angrily. "She's a selfish cow and I hope she doesn't come back!" 

Kiran sighed and shook his head. There was no fighting with her at this point, the pain was still too raw. "Come on baby, we need to get to that game."

Both Kiran and Serena sat in a smaller Jeep and drove to the twins soccer match. It was about 15 minutes and it was spent in utter silence. 

All Serena could think about was how her mum left them. It was over three years ago and they still hadn't heard anything from her. After a while, both her dads went looking for Haven, but it was like she had fallen off the face of the earth. 

It had been hard while all her parents had been gone. Without ever knowing any of her grandparents, she and her brothers were looked after by members of the pack. But most of her family's friends had joined the search for Haven, and so the only ones left were people she hardly knew. 

When they were gone, the party was gone for weeks at a time. Searching high and low, talking to witches and vampires, and other shapeshifters or magic wielders. They were trying to find a trace of Haven. 

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