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When I first woke up, I thought I was still dreaming. Being wrapped up in the scents of the two beautiful males I called my mates, was a dream come true.

I may not have thought I would ever have this happen a few days ago. But now I couldn't imagine not having it happen. The whole thing was amazing and beautiful and perfect.

"Mm..." A sleepy Kiran said, as he started waking up. His raspy voice was so delicious, it turned me on, a lot. "Don't." He groaned, and he and Josh moved in slightly closer to me.

"Why do you have to do this to us?" Josh groaned, in a slightly more awake voice than Kiran, had.

"Sorry." I mumbled sheepishly, realising that they could smell my arousal. Gosh body why do you have to be so painful sometimes.

They're our mates, duh. A very annoying Amazon stated. Thanks for pointing out the obvious, stupid wolf.

Oi. Was all I got back, before she started to purr as one of our mates rubbed his hands over my bear stomach.

No, I wasn't naked, my shirt had risen considerably since I went to sleep last night. I think that someone had also helped that a tiny bit.

"What am I going to do with you two." I sigh, realising they both were super turned on at this very moment. "Go have cold showers already."

"But that would mean leaving you, and you're just to beautiful to not look at." A very seductive Josh says in my ear, continually brushing his fingers on my stomach. There was a lot of spark right there.

I laughed when Kiran nodded vigorously along with Josh. "Oh you two, just go before you decide you can't wait any longer." I laugh when they share a look, turning their heads back to me.

I have to pull away because if they started anything, I definitely wouldn't stop it.

"I'll cook you breakfast." I say in a teasing voice, coaxing them to leave.

"Yes!" Kiran fist pumps. He jumps up, kisses my cheek, and runs out. Saying something about bacon. I chuckle before turning back to where Josh was sitting.

"Alright baby, but I don't want to leave you alone." Josh trails off, slowly getting up and coming towards me. Grabbing my waist softly, bringing me closer to him, and cradling me in his arms.

"I'll be fine, I'll cook up a big breakfast." I say quietly, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He sighs, and finally agrees before pecking my lips and walking off. So I head off to the kitchen.

This kitchen was absolutely amazing. I looked around, still in awe at all the sleek appliances that sat on the dark grey marble benches.

I go to the huge, stainless steel fridge. Pulling it open I find its full of fresh food. Bacon, steaks, sausages, fish and tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables.

I pull out enough food to feed the three of us, and that was a lot, since the boys are going to eat the most.

I was going to cook up a feast. With eggs, bacon, sausages, and a few veggies.

I rummaged around the kitchen until I found what I needed. A few pans and a pot. I started the state of the art stove.

The sound of the food sizzling in the beautiful, practically brand new pans, and a pot. "It smells great." Kiran says from behind me. I turn around with a huge smile on my face.

"It does, it almost smells better than you two." I say with a laugh. His face crinkles into a horrified face, before he bursts out in laughter.

"Almost, it's impossible to beat our scents." Josh says as he walks in, his hair still wet, and his shirt clinging to his biceps. I realised Kiran had obviously dried his hair, where as Josh didn't care.

Kiran was wearing a muscle shirt which almost made me drool, although Josh had made me do the same.

"You make me drool enough, gorgeous, but that food is doubling it. Are you almost done?" Kiran says, jolting me back to the present.

"Oh yeah, it's almost done." I say quickly, turning back to the food. Serving some of it on a plate, and turning the stove off. I see Josh reaching for some out of the corner of my eye. "Don't touch it!" I all but screech at him.

This causes him to back off very quickly. Kiran starts to laugh loudly at his brother. "Shut up." He mumbles, hitting his shoulder.

I start to serve the food onto plates, and the boys take them to the table. Once I sat down, those two disgusting pigs hogged into their meals. There was actually so much food and they finished in less than 10 minutes.

"What the hell?" I question, my mouth full. I had only eaten half my meal when they both announced they were finished.

"You're a really good cook, sunshine." Kiran said, looking like the cat who got all the cream. Josh looked almost the same.

"I could defiantly get used to this." Josh said with a smirk. I could too, but they don't need to know that.

"Well of course I'm a good cook. I'm female, plus I love food, it's practically a natural ability." I say before shoving more bacon into my mouth.

"Yes of course, darling." Kiran says in an amused tone. His voice got more serious as he said, "you better hurry up, or we'll eat that food for you." And motioned to my bacon.

I swear I almost screamed at him, no one eats my bacon. And I don't make exceptions, my bacon is my bacon.

He reached his hand forward, I jumped out of my chair, bringing my plate with me, and hissed at him. "No one takes my bacon." I said venomously, dead serious.

He looked like a scared puppy, the shock evident on his face. Obviously not expecting that reaction from me.

Josh burst out laughing, "you look like you've shat yourself." He laughed at his brother. I say back down and started eating again. Acting like nothing happened.

"What's wrong?" I ask Kiran calmly, still pretending I didn't scare the shit out of him.

"I think you're scarier than I am." Kiran said quietly, the shock still written clearly on his face.

"I honestly don't think that's hard." Josh said with another laugh. "But I agree she really is scary as fuck when she wants to be." He turned to me and noticed the massive smirk I wore.

"Oh my god! Thank you!" I squeal like a teenage girl at a one direction concert. "I'm so happy you think so!" I excitedly squeal again, smirking from ear to ear.

"You're evil." Kiran whispered, a frown on his face.

"True, but still very loveable."

-do you guys want to know a secret? I meant to make Kiran the darker, more serious one but Josh ended up being that guy. I actually love it. Tell me what you think xxx

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