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"Kiran!" I hear myself squeal.

"Josh is here too." Said another voice, further down the wall and out of sight.

"Hey, baby girl." Kiran smiled as he climbed through the window and onto my bed.

I couldn't help but run up to him and tackle him into a hug.

"What are you doing here?!" I squealed again. "And why didn't you use the door?"

"Well, we wanted to see you and couldn't wait till tomorrow. We also thought it would be too late to use the door, so we used the wall." Kiran informed me.

"No, you thought it was too late to use the door, apparently we had to use the window to get straight into your room." A very annoyed Josh huffed as he pulled himself over the edge and tumbled into my room.

I laughed at them, I can't believe they used the wall and window. Just like teenagers sneaking into the forbidden room.

I walked into the hug Josh offered and squeezed him tightly. I missed the warmth his hugs provided. I didn't realize how much a day away would make me miss them.

Josh didn't let me go, and picked me up before settling on my bed. His hard body was wrapped around my small one, and he produced more warmth than the blankets on my bed ever could.

"Nice room." The asshole - also know as Kiran - snickered.

"Shut up." I mumbled into Josh's chest. Josh will forever be the nice one. Oh, who am I kidding, they're both assholes.

Josh groaned, "why are you such a dick, Kiran?"

"Learnt from the best." He joked, wondering around my room. Which wasn't even bad, just a little girly. At least my poster of Channing Tatum won't harass me about how my room looks like. "Why Channing Tatum?" He wondered allowed.

"Because CT is gorgeous and doesn't judge me for my room choices." I grumbled back.

"I don't really see what he had going for him, he's just a human actor with abs. He doesn't have a pack or a mate, so what's so good about him?" Josh asked to no one in particular.

Both Kiran and I gasped out loud like school girls who just met someone who didn't like One Direction - I should know what that's like, its happened to me - and thought they were pointless.

"Channing Tatum is bae!" I tell Josh.

"What she said." Kiran agrees with me, someone is sucking up.

Josh just groans and rolls his eyes. "No Haven, I'm before anyone else." He declares.

A flirty smile comes onto my face and I look directly into his eyes. Leaning forward, towards his ear like I'm going to whisper something in it. Instead I yell, "nope! Channing Tatum is bae." before jumping out of his hug and hiding behind Kiran.

"Haven, really?" Josh groans, rubbing his ear. Super hearing hurts when it's yelled into.

I laugh my evil laugh and watch as Josh doesn't move from his spot on my bed. "Can I go to bed now?" I wonder out loud.

"Of course." Kiran was the only one to respond to me.

"But what about Josh?" I whisper to Kiran, only slightly scared.

"Pretend he isn't there." He whispers back, trying not the laugh at me. Dickhead.

I nod and start slowly walking over to my bed. "Can I hop in?" I ask the beautiful specimen lying on my bed with his eyes closed.

"Of course." He says huskily.

He was taking up most of the bed, and because I didn't want to die, I thought the best place to lie would be next to the wall. So in my attempt to climb over the huge man, I may or may not have accidently rubbed myself all over him.

Ok, so I did, and I felt all of him. He ended up grabbing my hips whilst I was half way over him, and so I was straddling him.

"God, you feel so good." He mumbled, his eyes still closed.

"Josh-" I squeaked.

"I've waited so long for you, we both have. Do we have to wait any more?" He asked me, grinding himself against me.

"I - I don't know." I moan out, I couldn't hold the pleasure in.

"Yes or no, baby?" Kiran asked, his voice in my ear and arms running down my sides.

"God, yes." I groan out as I feel Josh grown underneath me.

As soon as those words are out of my mouth, Josh sits up and Kiran pulls me from him. Gently lying me down on the single bed that used to be bellow Josh.

Kiran quickly rips my shirt off and Josh pull my pants down and off my legs.

"So beautiful." Josh mumbles.

"So unique." Kiran sighs, tracing the birthmark underneath my left breast. I always thought it looked like too people standing hand in hand, I always thought they were twins. Now I understand why.

Kissing me softly, Kiran gently removes my underwear, so I was completely naked and they could see all of me.

"Oh god Haven, if only you knew what you did to us." Josh groaned out in pain.

Josh pulled my body too him, and locked my mouth in a kiss. Running his big hands up and down my small back.

"Tonight is about you, baby." He let go of me and Kiran took over.

"You, and only you." Kiran agreed.

I woke up feeling fully content. A feeling I had only felt a few times. I stretched and realised I was still fully naked, and only one warm body held me close.

Opening my eyes, I realised it was Kiran who held me and was keeping me warm.

His eyes were still shut and by the steady rising and fall of his naked chest, I could tell he was still asleep. I knew were Kiran was, so now I started to wonder about Josh.

Where was he, and what was he doing?

"Kiran?" I softly whisper in his ear. Trying to wake him up softly.

He stirred slightly, with his movement, I moved my head to get a better look at him. When I did that, I felt a sharp, searing pain in my neck.

I ripped away from Kiran's hold, waking him in the process of running to my adjoining bathroom. I stopped in from of the foggy mirror and wiped the mirror with my hand.

In it I saw the beautiful picture of three wolves running underneath a full moon.

"Oh my god." I said out loud.

I had been marked!

-yay 8k reads, this was really hard to write cause I have no idea what I am writing. Oh well, that's all for now, tell me what you think. And I haven't read over this so sorry.

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