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"Oh, yeah, I remember her." Titan laughed.

"See, wise woman." I smirked, triumphantly.

"Well, you guys are definitely alike." He laughed again.

"What does that mean?" I muttered, confused. Not sure whether to be offended or not.

"Well, you're both crazy bitches." He said seriously.

I cackled like the crazy person I am. Making them all give me an odd look. I skipped away merrily, ignoring their haunting stares.

I quickly got tired of skipping, and turned to walking, like a normal person. Although I am far from what society would deem 'normal'.

I heard Kara's quiet laugh as she jogged up to me. "That was interesting." She laughed as she slowed down into my pace.

"I don't think Titan found it as interesting as you did." I laughed with her.

"I think he's on his man period." She told me seriously.

"But if he's on his period, why is he having sex?" I responded, just as seriously.

Kara burst at laughing at my comment. "I don't think it's the sort of period you bleed in." She looked at me with a ridiculous face.

"I wasn't serious, Kara. Take a joke." I told her with a bitchy face, which quickly turned into a silly one.

"Oh, Haven. Of course I knew it was a joke. What kind of idiot do you take me for?" Kara asked with an eye roll, although I could see the smile she was trying to push down.

"A smart kind?" I responded, even though it sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Kara, baby. I was looking for you!" I watched Roman appear through the trees, just as the early morning light started to filter through.

"Roman, hey." She smiled and quickened her pace to reach him quickly.

"Hi Roman." I smiled in his direction and stopped a few meters away from the couple.

"Are you okay Haven?" He asked me, pulling his mate into a side hug.

"I'm good, thanks." I smiled at Roman's concern. We've known each other for a while now, but I wouldn't say we were friends. Even though he is meant to become my beta.

"I'm glad you're happier than before. Hopefully you won't be screaming anymore and ruining others sleep." He started to laugh, and embarrass me as he went.

"Shut up, I'm sorry to hear I ruined your beauty sleep. How can I make it up to you?" I could practically taste the sarcasm dripping from my words. It was great.

"You could go talk to your mate." Roman suggested softly.

What. The. Frick.

"You were talking to them?" I question, obvious confusion and a small amount of forceful anger in my words. 

"Your screaming woke me up, I couldn't sleep without Kara and so I was heading to the kitchen when I heard a few angry yells. I knocked and we talked about you and what was going on. Haven, he loves you to the moon and back. You've got to forgive him, he's done nothing but try to make you happy. Even if he took the wrong approach.

"He only had good intentions at heart." Roman was trying to convince me of what I already knew.

"I know." I sighed heavily.

"Then why aren't you with him?" Kara asked for Roman.

"Because is still hurt. No matter how much I know, how much my mind knows. My heart still bares the pain of his kissing another girl. Acting intimate with another girl." Saying the words out loud hurt more than it did to push them down inside of me.

"Oh, baby." Kara said softly, stepping towards me and bring me into her embrace.

"Have you forgiven him Haven?" Roman ask softly, coming closer to where Kara and I stood.

"Of course I have." I told them softly.

"Then what are you running away from?" Roman asked me, carefully choosing his words. Tiptoeing around me as if I was a fragile, porcelain doll.

"I'm not a doll. No need to walk around me like I'm fragile." I told Roman, but gave Kara a look as well. Pulling out of her hug.

"I was just choosing my words as not to offend you." Roman spoke professionally, but still he chose his words.

"I was running away from the pain being with him is causing me." I told them, answering the question from before.

Their gazes we soft, sympathetic. They looked sad to see me so weak, like a kicked dog.

"This is why I never wanted a mate, or two. I am so weak compared to what I used to be. I was strong, and only attached to my pack. Now I have two mates and I have more to think about than just my own pack. I have to consider their packs and their feelings to consider as well as my own.

"I can't leave them, no matter how I feel about it. I can't do that to myself, and least of all, to them." And it was the truth.

Now everything was different. I can't just think about myself, I have to think about them. And it's hard to do. I want to be able to just sit down and not think about them for five minutes.

Because I can't get them out of my head.

"Is that really how you feel?" Josh asked, stepping out from behind a tree. "Do you not want us?"

"Yes, Josh. That's how I feel. But I never said I don't want you guys." I responded, a frown gracing my face. Did he really think I didn't want them? Even after the whole speech about not being able to leave them.

"Why do you feel like that Haven?" Josh questioned me solemnly.

"Before I had you guys, my only responsibility was my pack. And that's all I had to focus on. Now I have both you and Kiran to focus and, plus I'll eventually have your packs." I told him, a small smile on my face even though it wasn't exactly a smiling matter.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked, confusion washed over his face.

"Because, even though it's hard for me. I'll be supported by you and Kiran. No matter how stressful it is. I realise you two will be there, and that's what mates are for." Walking up to him as I told him why I was smiling.

"Haven," Josh sighed. Bringing me closer into his arms and his heavenly sent engulfed me.

I was hooked.

And no matter what happened, I wouldn't love him any less.

Because we all have our flaws and faults.

And I couldn't stay mad at him for long. Because it hurt me more to be mad, then to forgive him.

"I love you Haven, and I'm so, so sorry."

-sorry I didn't update Sunday. I can't believe 600k reads AND 1.4k followers. So happy. Love you guys.

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