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"Well, we better go have a look around. Thank for everything dad." I smile at my father as he stands up to usher us out the door.

"Thank you, alpha." Kara bowed her head in respect.

"It isn't a problem, Kara. It's an amazing opportunity to have a mate and everyone deserves it. Good luck." He smiles at us both, and I can feel him watching us walk down to hallway. He yelled after us, "also, call me dan."

We both laughed and Kara called back a response before we walked around a corner and was out of his sight.

"Can you smell him?" I ask once she starts to look around the next corner and through every archway.

She looks shaken as she turns to me. "I think I can, it's just everywhere." She sighs, her confusion was spewed on her forehead.

I think for a minute, before realising what she needed to do. "You need to focus on it. Think about the smell. Think about it really hard. Focus on the smell and let it lead you to where it is strongest." I explain further what to do.

"Alright." She closes her eyes, and concentrates. Her eyes fly open and she starts walking. Sniffing as she goes.

I follow after her, we go through a wrong door, exit and continue on. This happens a few times until we reach a flight of stairs.

These stairs are at the back of the building and are behind the kitchen. They lead to a few rooms. The alpha families rooms.

I lived there, along with my dad. But so did Samuel. From the smell of it, Sharron was already settled.

Kara looks at me hesitantly. I wave my hands for her to continue. She takes a few hesitant steps on the wood. It creaks ever so slightly.

I watch as she takes a few more steps and sniffs again. "I'm certain he's this way." She said, and started to walk up the stairs at a quick pace. I had to run to catch up to her, and didn't until she reached the landing.

She was looking around at the rooms on this level. Deciding which room she would look in first. "Use your nose." I whisper to her, and she listens to me.

She walks to the door on her left. The room across from mine.

She knocked softly and I was at her side by the time she had pushed the door open. It was dark in the room. We could see the strong back of a man, and hear the panting of the woman underneath him.

Then, all of a sudden there was a growl. "Mate!" Said a deep male voice.

"Oh, really?" Asked the women underneath him, her voice was all breathy and she was trying to sound somewhat seductive.

"No, not you!" He growled and ripped away from her. Turning around to face us, "mate!"

His green eyes glowed in the dark, and his golden brown hair shone in the small amount of light the open door admitted.

I glanced at Kara, and although her face was shadowed. I noticed the tears forming in her eyes. All I heard before she ran away was a soft, "why me?"

"No, wait!" He yelled out leaping off his bed to chase after her. Completely naked except the protection he wore.

He was also still semi-hard, which scarred me for life.

I can never un see this. Never.

I stopped him. "Good going Roman. You've done it now, might have just ruined your chances with your only mate." I said casually.

"Shut the fuck up! What are you doing stopping me?" He raged at me.

"She's my friend, and you have fucked up."

I finally found Kara, sitting on a crumbling wall, far in the garden behind the pack house. I could tell she was crying from where I was.

As I got closer she looked up at me, her face was blotchy and her eyes were red. If you looked hard enough, you could probably see shattered hearts in her them.

She spoke before I could. "I guess I'm just destined for loneliness." Her voice was broken, and she sighed.

I didn't speak as I sat on the crumbling wall, and let the silence consume us.

I didn't look around much, most of the time was sat in silence, I was thinking about her comment. She seems to have the one thought stuck in her head, that she'll be alone forever.

I knew she wouldn't be, and I know she'll definitely find what she wants in Roman. She'll get everything she wants, and deserves in her life. Man, I would be jealous if I didn't have my boys.

"Kara..." I catch her attention and she pulls her head up from her hands.

"Yeah?" Was her only response.

"If you're so afraid of being alone, why did you run away from Ro-" I start to say his name, before correcting myself. "Your mate?" She doesn't need to know who he is, before he introduces himself.

"He was with another woman." She states sadly.

I sigh, good god, why are women so fussy? Just except the fucking past! It was before you and now you're the most important thing, let it go and move on with your life. "You can't expect him not to be with other people before you, it's just not how it goes." I softly tell her.

"I know, it's just different walking in on it, and knowing he was fucking her brains out!" Her words were full of pain.

I pull her into a awkward, side hug. "It's hard, but he's yours, not hers, and I stopped him from running after you. So just know, he obviously does want you, even though he was butt naked." I smiled at her, from my position near her head.

"Come on, let's go back inside. Maybe he'll be dressed." I told her with a laugh. She laughed a bit, and came inside with me.

We walked in the back door, and strolled towards the living room. Roman was waiting on one of the leather couches.

He stood up the moment Kara walked into the room. He went to speak, but Kara put up her hand. She had something to say, and I was going to be sitting down for it.

Once I plonked my ass in one of the comfy armchairs, she started to speak. "I'm sorry." Was all she said at first, so I nodded for her to go on when she looked at me. "I over reacted, I was just shocked, and scared."

-wow, I've written and published 15 chapter. Crap. It hasn't even been 10 weeks since I started this story and I'm so happy with it. Hope everyone is enjoying it, and please, please vote for it. Love you comment what you think.

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