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I woke up suddenly. It was dark in the room and I could her soft snores coming from the bed close to me.

Sable didn't seem like the type of girl who would snore. Maybe it's just because she's tired, I probably would never find out.

I tossed and turned, trying to go back into the blank slumber I was in before. It felt like hours of trying to shut my mind down and actually close my eyes.

Eventually I gave up.

I pulled back the blankets and placed my feet firmly on the floor. Trying to be as quiet as possible. I tip toed past the bed and in the direction I thought the door was.

Opening it quietly, I made my way down to the kitchen. I found it empty, just how I wanted it to be.

I wondered when Finn would come back from the hospital. Probably soon, by the looks of the clock on the oven. I flicked a light on, it sure was bright.

I grabbed the papers from earlier, the ones that depicted out escape, and sat them in front of me.

Looking at them now, I'm not sure how much of it I like. Bring Sable along is going to be hard. Much harder than if I ran away by myself.

I could get out of here now, grab my things and go. Move on in a westerly direction and follow a scent back to the pack.

Back to my mates.

God, I didn't realise I missed them so much. It hurt to think about our separation. The miles between us.

Who even knows where they are? What they are doing? They better not being doing anyone!

No, of course they wouldn't be doing anyone.

No, I need to focus on this escape.

Poor, sweet Sable. She was oh so broken. I couldn't leave her here to get caught. To get Finn or Dylan caught.

I need to get us both out of here and back to Blue Sky ground. We'll be safe there. She'll be safe there.

And maybe she can get her happy ending.

Everyone deserves a happy ending.

I look down at the paper in front of me. A few scribbles here and there, depicting how we are going to get away from this.

Seriously, I was dreaming when I drew thing.

We're going to have to run. Run until we are as far away from here as we possibly can be. Get back to Kiran and Josh, and my whole pack. Even fucking Titan and his piece of shit mate.

"What are you doing?" I nearly shat my self and almost fell off the chair as Sable spoke quietly from behind me.

"You almost killed me!" I exclaimed in a loud voice.

"Keep it down, we don't want to wake Dylan." Sable said quietly. A calm look in her eyes.

Almost unbelievable how crazy she went earlier. Almost.

"Did I wake you?" I asked her, quieter this time.

"No, I don't sleep well." She said monotonous and moved to the fridge. She pulled out the milk and rummaged though the cupboards until she found a glass. "Want any?" She asked me as I watched her move around so casually.

"No, I'm right." I responded, curiosity spiked within me. I need to get to know this girl better.

She moved to the table with her glass of milk and sat down. "How are we going to get away?"

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