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I kept turning my head and looking around. Checking to make sure no one would be able to see me.

I then ducked into the small basement like entrance, wooden look alike doors that pulled up so you could step into a dark corridor.

They weren't really wooden doors, the outside was wood but underneath there were reinforced steel.

Walking through the corridor I came to the locked doors that were guard by two warriors. "Hello Alpha Haven." The guard on the right greeted me as the guard on the left got up to let me through.

"Morning Steven, Blake." Blake, the guard on the left nodded at me and continued to unlock the door.

Unlocking the door involved communicating with the guards on the other side through a video chat.

Sometimes it was a bad connection.

The thick door finally swung open to reveal the two men on the other side. "Alpha." They both greeted me and let me pass.

"Thank you boys." I threw the words over my shoulder with a wave. Walking towards the darkness that is the prison.

"Hey Ven." I was greeted by my father at the entrance of the area that held the prisoners.

"Morning Dad." I smiled and stepped into the dark area, that smelt of a lot like blood. It thrilled my dark side.

"So, where is he?" I questioned, looking around the area. The cells were impossible to escape, with all the walls inside the cell coated in silver, you had to stay in the middle.

There was only one entrance and exit, and that was the thick steel door, which was also coated in silver. There were no bars, cause that was considered an escape risk.

We weren't dumb, and it had been that way for a long time.

The silver was reapplied at least once a month. Even if no one was held in there for that month. We don't take risks.

"He's already in room T2. Do you want to go in or stay behind the safety wall?" He questioned me like I was some innocent little girl.

I was certainly going into that torture room, and I was going to leave it knowing a whole lot more about what he wanted than I did before.

It's coming out again. Amazon warned me, but I didn't care. This is the best time for it to come out.

"Of course I'm going in dad." I told him, heading towards the room Loren was being held in.

"Are you sure?" He asked, following behind me.

"Yes, of course I am." I said without looking at him. It was starting to take over.

"Alright, just don't go to crazy. We don't want him dead." He told me cautiously. Oh, he knew.

"Sure thing." I said as we reached the door of T2.

"I'm going to be watching behind the safety door. You know the code." He said before pulling open an unmarked door that lead to a watching room.

I heard the click of a lock, and knew he was safe inside. I took a breathe and noticed the yelling that was coming from inside the room.

"Where is she? She said she would be the one to torture me! Is she now too pussy to actually hurt me! Has she backed out because she's too weak to hurt anyone!" It was obviously Loren, and he must of been talking about me.

He wasn't just mad, he was scared. There was a slight shake at the end of each sentence.

Punching in the code, I opened the door to reveal a masked man, and Loren who was sitting in a chair.

"Morning." I smirked at him. Pulling the door closed behind me.

"I was wondering when you would get here." Loren tried to smirk arrogantly, but only succeeded in looking nervous.

"Oh, I had to get ready first. Didn't want to get blood on a good pair of clothes." I laughed at him.

"I won't tell you anything." He said confidently.

I laughed again. "That's what they all say." My laugh turned into a cruel smirk as I started to walk towards him.

He stared me right in the eyes all the way as I closed the distance. Crouching in front of him, I said the words he wanted to hear. "I'm not going to kill you."

Relief flooded into his eyes. "Than what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to politely ask for the information I want to know. Then when you tell me, we'll put you back in your cell. And then in a few days, you'll wake up somewhere and you can go home." I said kindly, with a soft smile.

"And if I don't tell you?" He asked.

I sighed and stood up. Walking a circle around him, I said. "And if you don't tell me, I'll have to burn, cut, shoot and poison it out of you." My smile turned cruel as I stepped back into his view.

"Haven, I can't tell you anything. They'll kill me if I do." He said, pleaded.

"Don't tell them you told me." I said simply.

"They can read minds, and tell if you're lying." He was still trying to get through to me.

"Don't think about it or mention it." I had all the answers.

"It's not that simple. I can't tell you and get away with my life. I also can't not tell you and get away with my life." He was pleading me to let him get away with nothing.

"Then you're going to have to die, aren't you?" I had a glint in my malevolent eyes.

His Adam's apple bobbed nervously.

Turning to the table in the far corner. I walked to it slowly. Picking up one of the items that was wrapped in a cream sheet of cotton.

I pulled the cotton off and look at the item carefully. It was a blunt blade, that had many different sized spikes attached to it.

I started walking over to Loren. "Now Loren. What do you think this is?"

-malevolent - having or showing a wish to do evil to others. 
This book reached #7 in the whole werewolf category in the past week and I'm amazed. Hope you enjoyed :)))

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