6. "Wow, Brad, you're so articulate"

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It's later that night, or early the next morning, to be precise. I wake up to the sound of vibrating and because I'm so sleepy, it takes me a minute to realise it's my phone. I clumsily grab it from the dressing table beside my bed. The time reads 2:18am. The caller ID reads Millie.

"Millie?" I answer quickly, hoping this isn't an emergency.

"I had a nightmare"

I sigh. I'm relieved that it isn't anything too serious, but I also feel guilty that I'm not there with her. When Millie gets a nightmare, she often comes into my room and gets into my bed with me, a habit that began when she was young and she never grew out of. But I don't mind, because I like that she feels comforted by me, and I just want her to feel safe.

"I'm sorry I'm not there" I say quietly, hoping that I don't wake up any members of the household.

"It's okay" she mumbles, but I know it isn't, "I'm sorry for waking you up"

"It's no problem" I say honestly.

"It's just, I feel like a baby if I get in with mum, and I don't want to get in bed with Brittany" she explains.

"I don't blame you" I smile, "you might catch fleas"

Millie giggles and I grin to myself knowing that I've cheered her up a little, even if it's only for the moment.

"She's changed your room, you know" Millie tells me, but I just sigh.

"I don't wanna know"

"But I liked your room the way it was" Millie mumbles.

"Well, I've got a new room at Tris's that's really nice" I try to lighten the situation, "Tris got me some fairy lights, a bit like the ones I have at home"

"I think Brittany took them down" she says quietly, "she was going to throw them away but Mum put them away in a box for you"

"Well, if you get mum to find where she's put them, you can keep them if you like"

"Really?" She exclaims excitedly.

"Yes" I chuckle, "and be quiet, you'll wake people up"

"It's only Brittany next door" Millie says with a smile in her voice, " I don't care if I wake her up"

"She's not being horrible to you or anything, is she?"

"No" she replies, "but I still don't like her, she tells lies about you"

"Well, I already knew that, Millie" I say, not wanting her to get upset, "but as long as you know that she's lying, then it doesn't really matter what she says"

"I miss you" she tells me.

"I miss you too" I say, "you know that you can ring me or text me at any time, right?"

"I know" she replies, "but when are you gonna visit?"

"Millie, I've only just got here"

"But I miss you!" She whines, "and Tris! You said you'd try to get Tris to come home to see me too"

"Okay, I promise that I will come down next week to see you" I tell her, "and I will try to do it on a day when Tristan's free, but you know that he's very busy and may not be able to make it"

"I know, I know" she sighs, "it's just boring here without you"

"You know that if I could bring you here to live with me and Tristan, I would"

"Do that!" She exclaims, "I want to live with you"

"Ssh!" I chuckle, shaking my head, "you'll wake mum up, and you can't live with me and Tris, you have school to go to"

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