19. "It meant nothing"

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A little reminder that I have made a playlist for this story and the sequel, if you want to listen, you can find the link to it in the bio on my profile.

The next morning, I find my brother sat at the kitchen island, chomping away at a bowl of cereal, completely oblivious to whatever happened last night between myself and Brad. I can't stomach food at this moment in time so I just perch myself on the seat next to him.

"Y'alright?" He asks, glancing up at me.

No, I'm not. I fucking kissed Brad.

Scratch that, I fucking made out with Brad...

I just nod.

"Did you have a good time last night?" he continues.

Well, I made out with Brad so no. However, it was pretty good so yes.

"It was alright" is what I opt for.

"I didn't see much of you"

I simply shrug, "I was pretty drunk, I think I just ended up going to bed"

Tris nods before a figure appears in the doorway of the kitchen. The two of us look up, my eyes landing on Brad. His hair is all mussed up and he isn't wearing a shirt; my brain is officially fried. I'm not sure if he even remembers what happened; he did seem fairly intoxicated. He must have been drunk if he had it in his head that he wanted to kiss me.

Brad himself looks up at that moment, catching my eye, and I just know that he remembers everything.


I look down at the table almost straightaway and the tension between us is so thick. My brother is still totally and utterly oblivious to it as he glances up and shoots a friendly smile in Brad's direction.

"Morning" he chirps. I stay quiet beside him. Brad hums in acknowledgement as he steps into the kitchen. He sits down across from the two of us slowly. I'm still completely avoiding any eye contact and just staring at the counter in front of me.

"Did you have a good time last night?" Tris asks him. Brad's gaze catches mine for the shortest of split-seconds.

"It was alright" he shrugs; ironically the same answer I gave just a few moments earlier.

"Ella disappeared for a while and then I couldn't find you, I thought she'd managed to finally murder you" my brother chuckles but I can't even manage to bring myself to smirk. I feel Brad's eyes focused on me again but I can't bring myself to look at him. Every time I look at those big brown eyes, I can't help but remember how they looked when they were millimetres away from my face last night.

I don't want my brother to think something weird went on, even though it did, so I add a comment to eliminate any suspicion.

"I wouldn't do it with so many people around"

Tristan rolls his eyes playfully but just shrugs it off because he appears to be in a pretty good mood. He wouldn't be if he knew I'd made out with his bandmate.

"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Brad asks my brother, thankfully attempting to keep the conversation normal and as though nothing out of the ordinary has happened.

"We're all gonna help to clean this place up" Tristan tells him, glancing around the room at the empty bottles still scattered across the kitchen counters, "and then I'll probably take Anastasia home later, she's still asleep"

I nod along, not even bothering to argue about the cleaning up because I'm more concerned about the fact that when Tris goes out, Brad and I will be in the flat on our own.

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