7. "Draw me like one of your French girls, Ella"

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"Are those my Frosties?"

I just shrug as I continue to pour the Frosties into the bowl. Tris may have mentioned that Brad can get quite protective over his Frosties but when I saw them sitting there in the cupboard, they just looked so sugary and delicious... I couldn't resist.

And a very small (very big) part of me wanted to piss Brad off. I mean, he just makes it so easy.

"They are my Frosties" he all but growls.

"Well, if you knew that, why did you ask?" I retort.

"Put them back" he barks.

"It's just one bowl" I argue.

"Put them back"

I just pick up the bottle of milk which I'd already taken from the fridge and began to pour it over the Frosties.

"Well, look, I've already poured the milk in now" I sigh defeatedly and hold a straight face. By the expression on his face, I may have pushed him over the edge. I may be about to witness him have an actual mental breakdown because of me.

"Oh my god, did you just... you really just did that... I cannot believe you......"

He's so pissed he can't even form a proper sentence, which is pathetic because it's not the end of the world; it's just a bowl of Frosties.

"It's only cereal" I reply, "I think there are more pressing issues in the world right now than me eating some of your cereal"

"God's sake" he seethes, gritting his teeth together and balling up his fists, "Tris!" He calls as he leaves the kitchen, "Tris!"

I hear a distant noise of reply from my brother as I sit down at the island and tuck into the cereal. It is as delicious as it looks, by the way.

"Will you please speak to your sister?" I hear Brad say to him in a snappy voice.

"Why? What's she done now?" Tristan sighs, just before he enters the kitchen with Brad in tow.

"Look!" Brad exclaims, marching over to me and pointing dramatically at the cereal, "my Frosties! She's eating my Frosties"

Tris sighs again before hesitantly saying, "I did say don't eat his Frosties, El"

"I know" I shrug, "but look at his face" I smirk, nodding up at Brad, "that face has made my whole day and it isn't even 10am yet"

"Oh my God, I'm gonna kill her" Brad mumbles to himself, "I'm gonna end up killing her"

"Killing me over cereal is a bit of an overreaction"

"I overeact?" he breathes, "just a little reminder that you nearly stabbed me"

"I do remember because you keep bringing it up" I counter, "and you could have been a murderer, I was protecting myself and my brother"

"Okay, enough" Tristan says quickly before Brad gets anymore worked up, "Brad, sit down"


"Just sit down"

Brad huffs as Tristan directs him into the chair that's across from me so we're facing each other.

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