29. "What messages?"

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After a few days back at home, I decide that it's finally time to get back to London. Aside from Brittany's presence, I've had a lovely few days seeing my family, spending time with a wounded Gemma and getting a few shifts in but I think I'm ready to get back to the flat. I'm ready to face Brad too but that doesn't mean I actually want to do so. I don't know whether he's going to mention the rejection or if we're just going to go back to being awkwardly ignoring each other as we have done in the past. It seems so long since the last time that happened, even though it was only a couple of weeks back; so much has happened that it literally feels like a lifetime ago.

When I arrive back at the flat, I follow the faint noise of talking to the living room. My brother and Anastasia are in there, curled up together one of the sofas. Brad is sat on the other sofa with a beer bottle in his hand and a face like a smacked arse. His grumpy demeanour aside, he looks sexy as hell right now; his hair a tousled mess atop his head and his toned chest peeking out from underneath his half-buttoned shirt. He notices my presence and glances up at me briefly, those big brown eyes hard and cold for once.

"Hey" my brother grins, taking my attention away from Brad as he untangles himself from Anastasia and sits up. I perch myself on the arm of the sofa and Tris leans over to give me a side hug, "how are you doing?"

"I'm good" I say as he pulls away.

"We've missed you" he chirps, before correcting himself, "I've missed you, Brad probably hasn't, not that you care, but if it makes you feel better he's been in an awful mood for the past few days"

I glance over at Brad who is rolling his eyes, but contrary to my brother's beliefs, it doesn't make me feel better that he's been down for the past few days. It's very likely that that's my fault.

"Anyway, how's Gemma doing?"

"Good" I nod "she's more bothered now about the fact that she's had to write her car off"

"Ah, well, as long as she's okay"

"She got a picture with Brad and it gained her 400 followers on Instagram so she's ecstatic" I explain, making Tris and Anastasia chuckle, "anyway, what've I missed?"

"Apart from Brad being grumpy, we've done a couple of gigs and an interview this morning... and that's about it..." Tris tells me, "Dean was asking for you, by the way"

"Oh, I'm flattered but he's not really my type" I joke, making Anastasia laugh and Tris roll his eyes.

"No, I think he was gonna try and get you to help him take some more pictures" Tris explains, "he reckons you're a good photographer"

"I'm a better artist"

"You never know, El, he might make you his like, assistant or something" he says, "you might get a job out of it"

"A job that involves hanging around you lot all day? Oh, that is my absolute dream!" I say dramatically, placing my hand on my chest, "I couldn't think of anything better! Maybe gouging my own eyes out, being friends with Brittany, etcetera, etcetera..."

"Ella, seriously, something really good could come of this" he sighs, "anyway, you're coming with us to our next gig whether you like it or not"

"What about whether other people like it or not?" I mutter, glancing at Brad.

"Brad can deal with it" Tris shrugs bluntly, making Anastasia bat him playfully on his arm.

"Tris, leave him alone"

"What? He's been moody all week" Tris mutters. I look carefully over at Brad who is glaring at Tris. Then he stands up and marches himself out of the room, brushing past me as he does so.

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