32. "Can I take you on a date?"

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Sorry it's been a while but I'm back at uni and mega busy so haven't had a lot of time to write, hope you like this chapter though, leave me a comment or a vote if you do :)

"You want my bank account details?" I scoff.

I don't care if he's the boys' manager, I'm not that stupid to be giving out my bank details to people I don't know that well. I only came to this rehearsal because Joe asked me to; I didn't know it was so he could steal the little money I have to my name.

Okay, I'm being overdramatic - there's probably a good reason that he's asking for them - but that's exactly what those spam emails from 'poor' foreign people say to scam you out of a few hundred quid.

I quirk an eyebrow at Joe, "would you like my driving license too? And my PIN number?"

"It's Dean who's asking, actually" he says, glancing over at Brad who I notice is swanning over to where we're stood. He's wearing black jeans and a dark grey vest top that shows off his toned arms perfectly, his dark curls laying messily over his forehead.

"Well, I can't blame him for wanting to be me" I sigh dramatically, "but identity theft is illegal"

I hear Brad snicker from where he's come to stop beside me.

"What?" I ask blankly.

"Nothing" he smirks, reaching around me to grab a bottle of water from the table behind me, which results in his smug face moving forward until it's just a couple of centimetres away from mine. He hovers there for a moment longer than he should have done before he saunters back off to the rest of the boys.

"Dean used some of the photos you took on the boys' social media and their website," Joe tells me, either oblivious to Brad's lingering or ignorant to it, "he wants to make sure you get paid for them"

Oh, really?

"Oh well, if he's giving me money..." I shrug as Joe hands me a piece of paper and a pen.

"Write them down on there and I'll sort it out for you"


I get my purse out of my bag and sit down at the nearby table so I can lean against it. As I'm scribbling down the right details, an expensive-looking camera is placed on the table in front of me. I look up to see it's Dean, holding a large black video camera in his hands.

"I'll take videos, you take pictures?" he suggests, quirking an eyebrow at me. I grin, picking up the camera from in front of me.

The rehearsal space is just a large room with dark red walls and polished wooden floors, and the band's instruments have been set up for them in the middle of the floor. I find a quiet corner to sit in and fiddle about with the camera settings so I'm ready to go when they actually start rehearsing; at the moment, they're all messing about and running around the studio like a bunch of five-year-olds so I'm not exactly missing much. Dean is getting some funny videos of them but I doubt I'd get any good action shots when Brad and Connor keep chasing each other in and out of the room.

Honestly, I'll be surprised if they actually get around to doing any rehearsing at this rate.

Joe eventually rounds them up and calms them down enough to start actually practising. They have a handful of gigs coming up next week across Europe so they initially spend a little while deciding the set list. In this time, I don't really get any good pictures because they're all just sat around, aside from a few mug shots of Tris who keeps pulling stupid faces at me.

When they actually start to rehearse is when I can get the money shots. For the most part, they don't really take much notice of me because they're more focused on the music. I don't mind because it means I can get lots of spontaneous performance photos of them, though occasionally, one of them will catch my eye and play up to the camera a little.

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