16. "I don't hate you, Ella"

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"Brad?" I say in an annoyed tone, before aggressively mouthing a series of highly offensive words, "can you put Connor on the phone?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Where are you?" He asks again, ignoring my request.

"Put Connor on the phone" I repeat, sounding even more aggressive this time.

"He's busy" Brad tells me vaguely, "where are you?"

"Yeah, like I'd tell you" I scoff. Not like I could tell him anyway because I don't have any idea about where I am.

"Ella, just tell me where you are so I can come pick you up"

What the fuck? Absolutely not.

"Fuck off, you are not picking me up" I argue, "just get Connor"

"Connor's asleep"

"Well, wake him up" I mutter, though instantly feel bad because I don't want to have to wake him up.

"I'm not waking him up" Brad says, "I'll come pick you up myself"


"Ella, just..." he sighs, "I'm picking you up, okay? Where are you?"

"I don't know" I mutter, realising once I've said it that I've basically given Brad permission to pick me up. Though it wouldn't be the first stupid decision I've made tonight.

"What do you mean you 'don't know'?"

"I mean I don't know!" I snap. Why does Brad wind me up so much?

"How can you not know where you are?" He asks incredulously, "why would you let a random guy take you somewhere you don't know?"

I breathe heavily through my nostrils as I bite back my anger, anger because I know that he's right. I've already had this argument with myself. I already know that I've been stupid; I do not need Brad, of all people, to tell me that.

"Brad, I really don't need a fucking lecture from you right now, okay?" I'm close to yelling now.

"Alright, alright" he says softly, trying to calm me down, "just try and find a street sign or something"

"Erm..." I glance around me, looking at my surroundings and seeing no bloody street signs anywhere, "I can't see any" I tell him, blowing out a sigh.

"There might be one further down the street"

I start to walk down the damp street and although I'm annoyed by the fact Brad answered the phone, I feel a little better knowing that someone knows that I'm not in the best of situations and need help getting out of it. It makes me feel a little less alone.

"Oh, fuck's sake" I exclaim after I feel a small drop of water land in the middle of my forehead.


"It's raining" I mutter, wiping the droplet away as I feel a couple more drops land in my hair.

"Put your jacket over your head" he tells me, making me roll my eyes.

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