17. "Revenge"

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Today, I wake up alone in Connor's bedroom with completely mixed feelings about everything that happened last night.

Who knew I would wake up this morning hating Seb more and hating Brad a little less? I mean, don't get me wrong, he's still an annoying little prick but he did pick me up in the middle of the night when I needed help. And he bought me McDonald's. And he was pretty nice about the whole thing.

Great. Guess I'm going to have to be a bit nicer to him from now on.

When Brad and I arrived back at Connor's flat last night, I gave Connor a brief rundown of what had happened. He gave me a big hug and then insisted I sleep in his bed whilst he and Brad stayed on the sofas in the living room.

We eat a quick breakfast this morning and then Brad drives the two of us back home. The drive isn't as awkward as I thought it would be and neither of us mentions last night until Brad pulls up in the car park outside our apartment building.

"I hope you're not upset about everything that happened last night" Brad says quietly once he's switched the engine off.

"I'm not upset" I tell him confidently though maybe I am a little, behind all the anger and frustration. I just really thought Seb was going to be different and that maybe something good might come out of meeting him but yet again, I manage to find a guy who just wants to sleep with me.

"But he was being a complete dick to you, I understand if you are"

"I'm not upset" I repeat, "pissed off maybe, but not upset. I don't get upset over boys"

"Just don't take it personally" he adds, "you didn't do anything wrong, it was him"

"I know, why are you telling me this?"

"Because I think you're more sensitive than you like to let on" he says seriously, "and you like to think that you're this cold-hearted ice queen who doesn't give a shit but I think you do, deep down"

I stare at him blankly for a few moments. Maybe he's got a point but I'm obviously not going to let him know that.

"Okay, well, thanks for the therapy session" I snort dismissively as I start to climb out of the car, "let's never do it again"

I slam the door shut and hear Brad climb out of the driver's side a few moments later.

We walk in silence into the apartment building and ascend in the lift. I've barely stepped into the flat before Tris starts his interrogation. I just know that he's been lurking about the flat, waiting for me to come home.

"Why are you wearing guys' clothes?" is the first question fired at me.

"I haven't even closed the fucking door yet" I scoff, rolling my eyes as I shuffle into the flat with Brad coming through the front door behind me.

"Why are you wearing guys' clothes?"

I ignore him as I make my way into the living room and see Anastasia sat on the couch, flicking through the TV channels. I flop my body down next to her.

"He's been pacing all morning," she tells me without even taking her eyes off the screen.

Why am I not surprised?

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