28. "It's complicated"

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What's worse than being at work for eight hours when you're in a terrible mood?

Being at work with Brittany the Brat for eight hours when you're in a terrible mood.

Honestly, you'd think that my mum hated me with the working conditions she puts me through. Though I can't help but wonder if this predicament is actually a little better than spending the day awkwardly avoiding Brad and risking him bringing up why I flat out rejected him last night.

"Ella, what's in the coconut and raspberry jam cake?"

I stare at Brittany flatly.

Fuck it. I'd rather risk Brad.

"....Coconut" I say flatly, "and funnily enough, raspberry jam"

"Oh, thanks" she mutters, turning back to the customer, whilst I turn my attention back to cleaning the coffee machine. My thoughts drift back to Brad, as they keep doing ever since last night. I feel awful for leaving things with him on an awkward note but I'm not going to kiss him if he's certain about his feelings when I'm not. I'm not going to risk leading him on just so I can make out with someone attractive; I'm not that much of a bitch.

I keep considering messaging him to explain myself but I don't even have his number. Tris offered to give it to me when I first moved in but at that point in time, I never thought I'd be in a situation where I want to contact him. I can't really ask Tris for it now because he'd only be suspicious.

Maybe messaging him would be too awkward anyway though. I don't think that the conversation we need to have is suitable for a text. It needs to be in person so I can properly explain myself.

Fuck, I need to stop thinking about this and enjoy my time at home.

I sigh and throw my dishcloth back into the bucket, just as I hear Brittany giggling from behind me. It's that stupid flirty giggle that she does when an attractive guy comes in the shop and she reckons she has a chance with them.

"Hey, hot stuff" I hear a guy say loudly and I roll my eyes.

Christ, she's reeled one in already.

"Ella" the same voice calls and I turn around to see two guys who I instantly recognise. Charlie and Ben. Two of my brother's oldest, and most attractive friends. Cheeky Charlie is a cute, bubbly lad with messy blonde hair and a grin that made thirteen-year-old me weak at the knees. Buff Ben, on the other hand, a tall, well-built rugby-playing sexy specimen of a human with a body that made fifteen-year-old me drool. Total player but he's pretty funny when you get to know him.

Maybe I have a habit of fancying my brother's mates.

I guess I just got to know most of my brother's friends from school pretty well because he used to invite them round to our house so often. They're all like older brothers to me because they looked out for me at school in a similar way that Tris did. Except slightly less protective. They're the kind of brothers that would cheer you on if they saw you getting it on with a lad, unlike Tris who would try and kill them.

Charlie's grinning at me with that stupidly cute smile and I realise that it was him who spoke to me.

"I thought you were talking to her" I smile, nodding at Brittany as I put my disinfectant spray down and making my way over to the counter.

Love & War | Brad Simpson ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt