37. "Back to reality"

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Happy Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever else any of you guys might be celebrating at this time of year. And if you don't celebrate anything, then I hope that you're having a fab time regardless. Sorry for the lack of updates but thank you guys for all the votes and comments on the last chapter, they are always much appreciated.

Hope you enjoy, this chapter :)

Bang, bang, bang.

The noise awakes me from my slumber, though I'm still half-asleep so I snuggle back into the warmth of the bed. The warmth envelopes me tighter and I nuzzle my face into what I slowly realise is Brad's chest. A small smile creeps on my face as I remember why he's in my bed.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

Eurgh, that noise again. I wish it would go away so I can really appreciate this moment, though I hope this won't be the first and last time that I wake up in Brad's arms. The thought makes the butterflies in my stomach erupt and I curl my arm around Brad's waist.

Bang, bang, bang.

The warmth disappears as my boyfriend - yeah, boyfriend - sits up beside me. I let out a small whine at the cold air now on my body and I feel the duvet being put back over me before the mattress lifts up with the sudden lack of weight. I peel one eye open to see Brad pulling a pair of boxers on as he disappears out of the room. Not a bad sight to wake up to, I think, rolling over to his side of the bed. It's still warm and the sheets smell faintly of his aftershave.

At least the banging noise has stopped. Though what's that other noise? Voices, perhaps...

Wait, voices?

I sit up and wipe the crust from my eyes before glancing around the room. The evidence of what happened in here last night is apparent in the form of our clothes strewn haphazardly across the floor. The smile from earlier returns to my face and I hide my face in the duvet to try to conceal it, even though no one can see. I close my eyes in the hope that I can savour the memory of last night. Everything was perfect, from the sex to just laying in bed and talking until the early hours.

"... swear it's not how it looks"

I frown as the voices from earlier seem to get louder and now I'm more awake, I turn my attention to them. It sounds like there's two of them and they're both male, one presumably Brad. It doesn't take a genius to work out that the other one is probably one of the boys.


I quickly climb out of bed and grab Brad's t-shirt from the floor, pulling it over my torso to cover myself. I also find the silk pyjama shorts and slip into them too, before walking into the other room of the hotel suite with dread in my stomach.

"..it's not like that" I hear Brad say in frustration and I turn the corner to see Brad with his back to me and Connor near the door to the room.

"What is it then?" Connor asks with a frown. I feel some relief that it's Connor and not Tris who's discovered Brad in my hotel room.

"It's more than that" Brad answers just as Connor's eyes flit over to me, "she's more than that..." he trails off when he sees Connor is no longer looking at him and glances back at me. He sighs and runs a hand through his curls.

It was only a matter of time before one the boys found out.

"Is this a joke?" Connor asks and I really can't tell what he's thinking at the moment, "like genuinely, because this... you" he gestures between the two of us, "don't make any sense"

I let out a loud breath, "you're telling me"

"It just happened" Brad sighs, leaning his back against the wall, "I don't even know how, it just did"

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