18. "I've been dying to for weeks"

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A/N: this chapter is a bit of a game changer, hope you like it ;) please vote if you do and leave me a comment letting me know what you think, I really appreciate them :)

"Ella!" My brother sings loudly as I shut the front door of the flat behind me. I scrunch my face up at the volume of his voice and follow the sound to the living room. He's sat in there with Brad, James and Connor and they've all got these stupidly big grins on their faces. It's almost creepy.

"Literally no one has ever looked this happy to see me" I muse, glancing between them all.

"We've got some awesome news" James exclaims, before Tris pipes up.

"No, wait!" He turns to me, "how did it go?"

I sigh. I had a job interview earlier today, to be a sales assistant at this little independent cafe in town. I thought it would be a good position seeing as I have experience of working in a cafe.

"Well, it started off good..." I answer vaguely to which Tristan smiles and nods in a hopeful manner. I sit down on the arm of the sofa and drop my bag lazily on the floor in front of me.


"And it ended in me saying 'I don't wanna work for an arsehole like you anyway' or something along those lines" I laugh sarcastically, as Tristan's face drops, "somehow, I don't think I've got the job"

"What exactly happened?"

"Well, he called me 'unprofessional and rude', which I find ironic considering he spent twenty minutes staring at my tits" I explain, "which I then called him out on, and then he got very flustered about it and proceeded with whole 'unprofessional and rude' thing"

"He sounds like a knob" Connor says.

"He was a knob" I mutter.

"That's disgusting. El" my brother frowns, "you should write a letter complaining"

"To who? It's an independent company and he's the owner" I shake my head, "anyway, I already told him what I thought of him"

"Well, there must be something you can do"

"I'll write them a scathing review on Facebook or Yelp or something" I shrug.

"What an arsehole! He wouldn't have done that if you were a guy" Connor says.

"Being a girl is shit approximately 95% of the time" I sigh, "so anyway, what's the big news?"

"Guess!" Tris grins excitedly and I blow out a loud sigh. I hate having to guess but Tris - in fact, all four of them - seem so happy that I don't want to ruin their fun.

"We're getting a dog?"


"Brad's moving out?"


"Brittany's getting a lobotomy to change her shitty personality?"


"Well, they're the best guesses I can think of" I sigh,

"We've been been nominated for a BRIT Award"

"No way!" I grin, "that's awesome, congrats guys"

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