42. "Is there something going on between you and my sister?"

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I was looking through the demographics of the readers of this story and I didn't realise that there was so many of you from outside of the UK that are reading! Being from a small village in the north of England, I would never even imagine that people from across the world would be reading my story, it's crazy. So leave me a comment letting me know where in the world you are reading from. I'd love to know :)

"So did he chuck you out of his bed?" Gemma asks me through a mouthful of toast and jam. I throw her an unamused look.

"No, I left" I reply, "and keep your voice down, Tris might be awake"

There's been no sign of life from either of the boys in the flat but I didn't want to risk it. At least it means Gemma and I can eat our breakfast in peace without being forced to watch the football highlights.

"Why'd you leave?" She asks, her voice quieter this time, "why did you pick a night with me over a night with your man?"

"Because chicks before dicks"

"And the real reason?"

"We had a... slight disagreement," I tell her.


"About our opinions of telling Tris about us"

"So are you guys not speaking?"

"No, no, we're fine" I say, "I just didn't want to stay in his bed and risk Tris finding me in there"

"You know, you wouldn't have to worry about Tris if you just told him about you and Brad"

"No, I wouldn't because he'll probably have kicked me out of the flat and forced us to split up so I wouldn't be in Brad's bed anyway" I deadpan.

"Sure, he'll be mad at first but he'll get over it, El" she sighs, pulling me into her side for a hug and I lean my head on her shoulder, "he has to"

"This is the same person who didn't speak to me for days because he'd found out I had sex two years ago, the same guy who made the boy I had my first kiss with never speak to me again" I scoff, "you can see why I don't wanna tell him, right?"

"Absolutely" she agrees, "but the longer you leave it, the harder it'll be on all of you, and you're the most fearless person I know"

"I'm not scared of telling him, I'm scared of..." I breathe out a sigh, before I quietly mumble, "I don't wanna lose Brad"

She lets out a small, involuntary squeal, in true Gemma fashion, and I don't even have to look up at her to know that she's dying to start gushing about how Brad and I should get married and have babies.

"Gem..." I groan.

"I didn't say anything" she argues.

"You squeaked"

She laughs to herself, "it was the sweetest thing I've ever heard you say"

"And you will never repeat it to anyone ever," I say sternly.

"I can't promise that" she mumbles and I'm about to argue but I'm stopped by the nearing sound of footsteps from somewhere outside the room.

"This conversation is over" I mutter to her, the footsteps getting closer.

"Ooh" Gemma whispers-gasps dramatically, "Is it your sexy older brother or your sexy older man?"

"I think it's Brad" I reply, ignoring her vivid descriptions of my flatmates, "Tris is usually louder when he walks, he likes to stomp around like the ape that he is"

We wait for a few moments before Brad appears in the doorway.

"Hey" he smiles at us.

"You're right, it's your sexy older man" Gemma says casually.

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