45. "She who prides herself on being so fucking honest"

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Well guys, it looks like you've twisted my arm about the sequel, haha, how can I say no when so many of you have asked so nicely? It really means a lot that so many of you like the story enough to want another one. If any of you have any ideas of what you wanna see in the sequel, you can leave a comment or message them to me. I'm completely open to ideas :)

"Four days ago - four fucking days - I explicitly asked you if something was going on and the both of you denied it!" Tris's voice booms through the apartment, making me physically cringe. Connor gives me an awkward smile that I think is supposed to comfort me but it doesn't. I don't feel anything. I'm numb.

"You fucking lied right to my face, the both of you!"

My mind is racing and I keep replaying that moment over and over in my head. I knew his reaction was going to be bad but I wasn't expecting this.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Tris' angry tone had echoed through the living room as he stormed out of it. People had gone quiet and were staring at us. I cringed and hid my face in my hands.

"I'm so sorry"

"Ella" Brad articulated in a tone that was alarmingly soft given what had just occurred.

"I didn't think, I wasn't thinking, I just did it" I had rambled, shaking my head as Brad's hands rubbed my arms soothingly.

"Ella, babe" Brad said quickly, placing his hands on either side of my face. "we were gonna tell him tomorrow anyway"

"Not like that" I mumbled absentmindedly.

"No, not like that" he agreed, "but it's done now and I'm gonna sort it out but he was going to find out anyway, babe, he was always going to find out"

He pressed his lips against my forehead briefly.

"Con" he announced, grabbing Con's arm and pulling him towards me, "I'm gonna need you to look after her please"

Within moments, Brad had left the room whilst Connor arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his chest.

"What the fuck have I just done?" I groaned.

"I think what you've just done is going to work out for the best" he had reasoned with me.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Tris had yelled from wherever had moved to in the flat..

I glare a Connor with a blank expression.


"... Eventually"

The flat is much quieter now and I think some people have left but that is not my concern right now. Tris is in the kitchen, directing every profanity he can think of towards Brad, who is doing everything in his power to defend us. I should be in there too, by Brad's side, fighting for us. It's in my nature to defend myself. But for the first time in my life, I have no fight. Tris is so angry, he wouldn't listen and I ruin everything anyway. I'd only make it worse and I think I've done enough already tonight.

So I'm sat here outside the kitchen on the edge of the table with Connor stood beside me rubbing my shoulder comfortingly and James stood opposite looking very awkward and like he doesn't know what to do with himself. As far as I know, he wasn't aware of Brad and I either so he's probably still trying to get his head around it. Though his reaction is quite clearly less aggressive than Tris's.

"We were gonna tell you" Brad argues, "I swear"

"Oh yeah, when?"


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