40. "It's official. Bradley Simpson has won my heart."

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A huge thank you and shout out to @Arora_Unicorn, @anna95la_jarthe, @Kimxxw, @DarlingImStood, @KarinMahuika, @BarsGurl, @GreenEyesMetBlueEyes and @brads_hoe who have all voted for me in the 2018 Fanfiction Awards so far, it honestly means the world that you've all taken the time to recognise and support my story :)

On the morning of my birthday, I wake up to a selection of birthday messages from friends and family on my phone, which is sweet. I reply to everybody. thanking them and then throw on a hoodie before leaving my room. I follow the smell of cooking bacon to find Tris and Brad waiting for me in the kitchen, wearing colourful, cheap party hats. When I walk in, they both pull the strings on a party popper each.

"Happy birthday!" They chant in unison.

"Thanks" I say as Tris comes over to give me a hug and whilst Brad places a party hat on my head.

"We've cooked breakfast," Tris tells me, "I know it doesn't make up for me forgetting your birthday but it's a start"

"It smells good" I smile as he sits me down on a stool at the kitchen island. I notice a small cluster of cards placed on it with my name on, beside which is a large box wrapped in blue dotty paper.

"Who are these from?" I ask, frowning in confusion as I pick the letters up. I really wasn't expecting anything until I got back to my mum's house.

"Me, the boys, I think Joe sent you one..." he trails off as he picks up the frying pan and starts dividing up sausages and bacon between three plates.

"Aw, they didn't have to" I murmur as I start to open them. Brad pulls up a stool next to me as I'm opening the first one and sits himself down on it. The first one is from Tris and the second from the other three Vamps boys. The third is from Joe and Dean, also giving me a little thank you for helping Dean out.

"Who's this from?" I ask as I take the box and start to rip the paper off. Underneath is just a plain white cardboard box, giving me no indication of what is inside.

"Me, Con and James" Brad smiles, looking a little too happy.

"What's in it?" I frown, slightly worried by Brad's expression.

"Open it"

"I'm not sure I want to" I mumble.

"You'll like it" he encourages.

"That'll be for me to decide" I mutter as I open up the box. At the top, there's just a black, folded-up item of clothing so I pull that out and unfold it, internally groaning at the large The Vamps logo printed on the sweatshirt in contrasting white. Brad starts to laugh quietly to himself whilst my face contorts into a deadpanned expression.

"Wow, thanks" I say in a flat tone, "just what I've always wanted"

"Check out the rest of it" he smirks before I peer inside the box, seeing it's full of The Vamps official merchandise. A selection of t-shirts, badges, wristbands, stickers and other items are all tucked inside; there's even a bloody calendar for God's sake.

Brad just laughs harder to himself and Tris wanders over, "What did they get you?" He asks, before taking a look inside, "Jesus" he snorts, pulling the black baseball cap from out of the box and slinging it over my head.

"This would be some girls' dream birthday present" I mutter, "...not mine, but some girls"

"You know, those sweatshirts are really oversized and comfy, El" My brother tells me as he goes back over to his cooking, "right up your street"

"I'll keep the sweatshirt" I say, jokingly adding, "the rest will make me a nice sum on eBay"

They both laugh sarcastically before Tris brings over the plates of bacon and sausage, and we tuck in.

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