Bonus III

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Another little bonus from Brad's POV. This was an idea for a scene that I just didn't end up including in the main story but I thought you guys might like it anyway. There'll be a proper chapter up soon :)

I'm sat on my bed in my sweatpants and t-shirt with my laptop in front of me and my guitar in my lap. I was watching Game of Thrones but I had a few songs ideas floating around my brain that I just had to get down on paper before I forgot them.

As I scribble down another lyric in an old notebook, I hear movement from down the hall, pulling me from my thoughts. I know that Tris is out because he left to go to the gym not long ago and I'm sure Ella went out earlier too. She didn't say where she was going, but then again, Ella's never one to announce what she's doing; she just goes off and does it.

"Tris?" I call, out of curiosity of wanting to know who it is. The footsteps get closer to my room and the door opens a little, revealing Ella. She's wearing a pair of skinny jeans and one of her oversized sweatshirts, the sleeves rolled up a couple of times because they're too long for her. She runs a hand through her blonde and lilac hair as she throws me a cute smile.

"Just me"

"What do you mean 'just you'?" I grin, "I'd rather see you than Tris"

"Well, obviously" she smirks, leaning against the doorframe, "what are you doing?"

"I was watching Game of Thrones, now I'm writing a song" I explain, "have you been into town?"

"Yeah. I had to get some tampons" she says. holding up a plastic carrier bag, "the glamorous life of a woman, spending stupid amounts of money on pieces of sponge to stick in your bleeding vagina"

"Well, thanks for the image" I say sarcastically, "would you like to join my watching slash writing session? Tris is at the gym"

"Well, I need a nap"

"You can nap in here" I suggest, biting my lip, "you can even use my chest as a pillow"

She rolls her eyes and turns, walking back down the corridor towards her room.

"Is that a 'no'? I call, just to clarify.

"I can't nap in skinny jeans, Brad" she calls back, before disappearing into her room. That's a yes then. I smile at just the thought of her being in my room, on my bed. Maybe even in my bed.

I place my guitar on the floor so it's out of the way and shut the notebook, placing it on the table by my bed. I don't want to be writing a song about Ella when she's right next to me so it can wait for now. Pressing play on my laptop, I lie back against the pillows and stretch my legs out as I wait for her to return.

A minute or so later, she slips into my room and closes the door behind her. She's changed into a sports bra and a pair of pyjama shorts, and I can't help but stare at her shape as she makes her way over to my bed. I watch as she lifts up the duvet and slides herself under it beside me. She very much makes herself at home under my covers and I watch in amusement as she moulds herself into my side, her hand coming to rest on my torso.

In an attempt to make this arrangement more beneficial for the both of us, I sit up a little and pull my t-shirt up and over my head. Tossing it on the floor, I glance down at her to see her watching me with a deadpanned expression.

"Really?" she says flatly, making me laugh.

"You haven't complained yet, have you?" I smirk, lying back down beside her.

"Give me a minute" she jokes, closing her eyes. She rests her head against my chest, her hair tickling my bare skin, and takes my hand in hers, pulling my arm around her so my hand rests comfortably on the curve of her bare waist. She lets go of my hand when she's happy with its placement and places her hand very casually on my stomach. Then she slowly slides her hand upwards along my torso to my chest and starts patting her hand across my muscles.

It appears taking my top off was the correct decision for both of us.

"What are you doing, babe?" I ask in an amused tone, though I'm certainly not complaining; she can touch my naked body as much as she bloody wants.

"Just checking it's comfy enough to nap on" she explains without opening her eyes. I don't miss the way the corners of her mouths turn up slightly as she holds back a smile.

"And what do you reckon?"

She sighs dramatically, "I guess it'll do" she shrugs, curling her arm around my waist and snuggling further in my side. I smile and shake my head.

"You want me to turn the sound down?" I ask.

"Nah, I could sleep through a hurricane" she mumbles through a yawn.

"I'll wake you up if Tris comes back" I tell her and she nods tiredly, acknowledging what I've said. My attention flits between watching the tv series on my laptop and watching her steady breathing, my fingertips tracing patterns on her bare skin until she drifts off into a peaceful slumber.

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