49. "Have you warned them about me?"

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More of a filler chapter and setting the last chapter up, but the last chapter will be much longer. I also have a little bonus after the last chapter for you guys so I'll upload that with the last chapter so make sure you look out for it when the time comes :)

In the days after we make up with Tris, I feel a bounce in my step and a warmth in my heart. I feel lighter, like a five-tonne weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I can finally fully enjoy my relationship.

Tris is starting to come to terms with our relationship. He pulls his face any time he witnesses something remotely affectionate between myself and Brad and occasionally voices his complaints if he feels we're being 'too touchy-feely', which to him is anything more than a hug, but he's trying. I can see that he is making an effort to accept us and I can't ask for any more than that.

On Tuesday night, Brad and I find ourselves alone in the flat since Tris has gone to see Anastasia. We decide to just hang out in the living room so we get comfy on the couch, with Brad's arms securely linked around me. He puts the telly on and soon I'm being forced to watch the golf highlights. I very quickly discover golf is one of the most boring sports I've ever seen and turn to other avenues to alleviate my boredom.

I find myself taking the three rings that I usually wear off and then take off the five rings that Brad is wearing. He doesn't say anything about it so I'm not sure if he's so engrossed in the golf that he doesn't notice or whether he's just letting me amuse myself. I swap the rings around so he's wearing mine and I'm wearing his. Mine can barely get past the first knuckle of his fingers though I manage to squeeze one into his pinky finger. His rings are way too big for my fingers except for the one he wears on his little finger that just about fits on my middle finger.

"Babe, what are you doing?"

I laugh to myself as I admire my work.

"I'm just entertaining myself" I grin, "but I think you suit this one," I say as I point to the silver ring that is made to look like a tiara, "you look like a princess"

"I feel like a princess" he beams, using his hand to fan his face.

"Well, you're not having it" I say as I take it back off his finger and put it back on my own again, "it's my favourite"

"Now you're a princess again"

"I'm not a princess, I'm a queen. Queen's have more power" I retort as he takes my other two rings off his fingers and puts them back on my own, one of which he makes a point of putting back on the ring finger of my left hand.

"Guess I'll have to marry you and become a king then"

"Technically you wouldn't be a king because you'd be marrying into royalty" I state, "and you might wanna think about getting a much more expensive ring than that if you want me to even consider marrying you"

"You'll have to wait a few years then," he tells me as he starts to pull his rings back off my fingers. He takes them all back but one, the one that fits nicely on my middle finger, "you can keep that one"

I look up at him to see if he's being serious. He facial expression tells me that he is.

"It's not the one Brittany stole, is it?" I ask.

"Nah, I haven't worn that one since then" he says, which makes me far happier than it probably should.

"You don't have to give me your ring" I comment as I start to pull it off. He places his hand over mine to stop me.

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