Chapter 3

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Steve's POV

"Did you guys have fun last night?"

I looked in the direction of the voice to see Pietro fixing himself a bowl of chips in the kitchen.

"Uh- yes?" I said from my spot on the couch. Clint rolled his eyes from the other couch. We were both relaxing and watching Mean Girls, on Natasha's request.

I turned back around to watch the movie I've grown fond of. I find it intriguing how backstabbing girls can be.

Pietro plopped down on the couch with Clint. Pietro offered Clint some chips to which Clint denied and scooted away from him.

"You meet anyone?" Pietro asked, disrupting the movie again.

"Oh my gosh," Clint muttered, annoyed. "Please answer the kid so he can shut up."

Pietro pouted and I just smiled. "It's okay. Yeah, I did."

"Hmm," Pietro nodded, "what about you, Clint?"

"Sure did. She was the best hook up I've ever had. Will you shut up now?"

Pietro frowned and looked down at his fingers which were tightly woven together. I felt bad for the poor kid.

"Oh," he whispered back.

I looked at Natasha and she only shrugged at their behavior.

"Clint, be nice." She warned.

Clint huffed and the room became quiet again save for the dialogue in the movie.

"Did you hook up with the person you met?" Pietro spoke up again. I rose an eyebrow and looked at him.

"Me?" I asked, unsure of who he was talking to. He nodded and smiled softly.

"Oh, no. He just-"

"He?" Pietro asked smugly with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, yeah," I laughed. The memories of last night came flooding back to me and I tried to bite back my blush.

"You're gay?" Asked another voice.

I flinched slightly because I already knew who it was. Tony came into the living room, looking at me questionably.

"Well now this is just awkward," Natasha said from where she was curled up on her recliner.

I agree.

Only Natasha knew my secret until last night. I told Clint because he had already seen me dancing with Ace. There was no way to hide it then.

But now here it is. The last person that I wanted to find out is now asking me if I'm gay.



"How long have you been gay? Why wouldn't you tell us?" Tony questioned. I groaned and the my hands up in the air dramatically.

"No, Tony. I don't have a problem telling people my secret. I have a problem telling you-"

"If you don't have a problem telling people then why is it a secret?" Tony argued back.

"I really don't see how this is any of your business," I said standing up to be standing above him. Tony didn't shrink back. He actually stood closer and held his chin higher.

"I met a guy named Ace and we danced. That's all," I explained to everyone in the room.

"What's his last name?" Tony asked after a moment of silence. I almost exploded with anger. I knew exactly why he was asking that.

"No, Tony! Just stop. I'm not telling you what his last name is just so you can look him up in your computer systems. You want to know more about someone? Then how about you sit down and talk to them face-to-face. You can't just stalk people online and hope to know every little thing," I said frustrated.

Everyone was staring at us. The soft sounds of the movie were still playing in the background. Tony glared at me momentarily before pushing past me roughly.

"Whatever," he mumbled before disappearing down the hall.

I sighed and stormed out of the living room and into my bedroom. I rushed to put on some workout clothes.

A good workout always calms me whenever I'm stressed out. All it takes is a single conversation with Tony to stress me out.

I managed to make it down to the gym without talking to anyone else. I did I few stretches before taking my position in front of the punching bag.

Sometimes I wished they left me in ice. I would have never met Tony if they did and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I pondered the thought while practicing my punches.

I admitted to myself the feelings I have for Tony after Loki's invasion. I always thought he was just some reckless, playboy that doesn't like to work as a team. Then he flew into that worm hole in space, carrying a nuclear missile, to protect the people of New York without caring if he died or not.

If that's not selfless then I don't know what is.

I admire Tony and every conversation I have with him reminds me that he doesn't feel the same way. I landed another strong punch on the bag.

It's irritating, really. I know I shouldn't like him. There are plenty of reasons I shouldn't like him.

First, is because he's annoying. And yes, he can be adorably annoying sometimes. Like, when he makes jokes about people and does his giggly laugh afterwards. And sometimes, when he realizes he's wrong but won't admit it, he'll do this cute little nose switch and purse his lips.

But I could never tell him it was cute. Nor could I give him any hint that I like him because Tony Stark is straighter than an American flag pole.

He's a billionaire, playboy that would never like me. I'm just guy from Brooklyn. I continued to punch the rough textured punching bag with that thought.

Plus, he has Pepper. He would never leave her. He may be a playboy but I can tell he has something special with Pepper. And who am I to take her happiness?

With one final punch, the bag went sliding across the floor and I fell to my knees miserably.

I'd rather him be happy with her than with me.

Even if it means I have to be alone.


School. Ugh.

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They're so nice/funny and it actually makes my day that much better XD

Umm so next chapter some time this weekend? Maybe I'll try to get it out Friday, yeah?

Omg I'm so tired lol but thanks so much for reading/voting/ commenting!

You guys are awesome and I'll update soon!


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