Chapter 8

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Tony's POV

I woke slowly and blinked a few times. My head was killing me and I had no idea where I was. Luckily, the sun wasn't out yet to add to my hangover pain.

I squinted my eyes and noticed my fist balled up in someone's shirt. I tried to roll over but I was being held tightly with someone's arm wrapped around my waist.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them fully only to almost have a heart attack. My hand smacked over my mouth as I tried to stop a shocked scream.

Steve was sleeping soundly and his face was inches away from mine. I started breathing quickly as I tried to remember last night.

Okay, I met Ace. Steve took Ace home.

Then why is he laying here with me?

I remember talking to Bruce about something then-

"Steve deserves to be happy so you need to be sure that you like him," Bruce said trying to get me to understand.

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"That's for you to find out."

Oh, shit.

What have I done?

I peeked under the covers and breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed we were both fully clothed. What did I do last night?

I gently plucked Steve's fingers from around my waist which caused him to move around a bit but not wake completely.

I slid out of the bed and examined the room quickly. Nothing seemed out of place but I wouldn't really know if it was.

I'd never been in Steve's room before.

His walls were a pale blue and he had a wardrobe across from his bed. The gray curtains were pulled down and covering the large windows on the far wall.

Finally, my eyes landed on Steve who was still lying still on the bed. He had rolled onto his back with his arm tucked underneath his head.

His breathing was even and his lips were parted slightly. I mentally cursed myself for staring at him for so long before scurrying out of the bedroom.

I closed the door softly and made my way to the kitchen. I don't think anyone was up yet but I would feel weird going to my room and laying with Pepper after what just happened.

Well, after whatever just happened. I'm still not sure.

I began brewing some heavily caffeinated coffee and sat down at the kitchen bar.

"Pardon me, Stark."

My head snapped around and my eyes widened but it was only Vision.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to startle you," he said in his cool robotic voice.

"No, you're fine," I said waving him into the kitchen as I turned back around in my stool. He walked into the kitchen and stood in front of me from across the counter.

"I was just going to ask why you are up so early," he asked.

I raised an eyebrow at the curious android.

"I stayed up late in the lab," I lied.

"I see," he said looking at the coffee machine momentarily when it beeped then continued, "but motion sensors say no one was down there after 12:47 a.m."

This is why I hate androids. I can't lie to Vision without him finding a logical explanation for everything.

Thankfully, Pepper walked in so I didn't have to answer his question. I hoped up and fixed us both a cup of coffee.

Looking at her, I couldn't help but wonder if she knew what happened last night. Judging by how she's not angry, I'm guessing not.

"I'm going to take you out today," I informed Pepper.

She smiled and nodded.

"Good. Makes up for you being a total prick last night," she replied.

"Don't take it personal, babe. I don't remember anything from last night," I said handing her the coffee.

"You kept yelling nonsense at me then started looking around saying you lost something."

I raised an eyebrow and she continued. I don't remember much of this but I remember searching the lab for something.

"So on the way to bed I asked Steve to go check on you," she finished.

"You sent Steve?" I asked shocked. It's all her fault that I ended up in Steve's bed!

Wow, that sounds wrong.

"Yeah, you were asking about him. When are you guys going to actually be friends?"

"When Stark starts being nicer to the poor soldier," Wanda said with a smile and stepped into the kitchen.

"I am nice to him!" I argued back.

"I agree with Wanda. You can be a little rude," Pepper chimed in.

I looked at Vision for guy support but he just sent me a confused look back.

"Steve can't even remember everything from his past," Wanda added sadly.

"Yeah, uh, that's sad. Anyways, Pepper we're leaving in 20," I informed her before rushing out of the kitchen.

I have no idea what happened between Steve and I but I'm just going to ignore it. He has Ace and I have Pepper.

Everyone's happy.






I didn't get home until late and had school in the morning so I'm so tired right now Lol

Did everyone like the chapter?

Not much happened so I'm planning on updating tomorrow too ;)

How was everyone's week? Good? That's good lol

Question! Fav band or singer?
I love 5SOS (obviously), Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Green Day, 21 Pilots, & Ed Sheeran :D

Thank so much for reads/votes/ and comments (as always) ! I appreciate them allllllllll

We'll talk tomorrow my lovelies!


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