Chapter 28

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Steve's POV

"Pietro, I promise it's going to be okay," I said for the umpteenth time since we left the tower.

"But he seemed so upset, Steve!"

"Of course he's upset. You're leaving him," I replied to my distraught best friend.

"Oh my gosh, Steve. What if I never see him again? What if-"

"Pietro, stop. You're going to make yourself upset," I said patting his back.

Pietro sniffed and continued to look at the concrete beneath his feet as we walked. We stopped every now and then when we saw a 'Hiring' sign, but until then we were just walking around town.

"I love him," Pietro whispered in the wind.

"Then you'll never loose him," I replied truthfully. Pietro looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you, Steve."

"Anytime," I shrugged.

"You'd think we could get any job in the world, being superheroes and all," Pietro laughed.

"You ever wish for a normal life?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Normal? I hardly know what that is," Pietro replied.

"No struggle. No press. No fighting super villains. Just the bare necessities of life," I exhaled, "Maybe a family."

"A family," Pietro agreed, "That's all I've ever wanted."

"You and Clint will get there one day," I said nudging his shoulder playfully causing the silver haired man to smile.

"I think you and Stark will get there first," he teased back.

"Yeah, maybe," I said smiling at the thought.

"Is that why you're getting a job?" Pietro asked curiously. We had stopped walking an found a nice resting spot on a park bench. Thankfully, no one bothered us yet.

"Tony took me on an amazing date and paid for everything. That was so nice of him, but I'd like to treat him every now then. You know what I mean?"

Pietro nodded along to what I said. "I'm doing this for Clint, too. I plan on buying him one of those, uh...what do you call it here in America?"

I raised my eyebrow curiously right as he snapped his fingers in remembrance.

"Promise ring! Yes, I'm going to buy that for him before I leave," Pietro said proudly.

"I'm sure he'd love it," I said smiling at his idea, "But you may need to work four jobs just to buy him that before you leave."

"You're right. They cost lots of money, but I'm not leaving until April. That should be enough time, right?"

"Yes, I think so. But why are you waiting so long to leave? It's only October," I asked, mentally counting the days until April.

"That's when my cousins get out of school. It's a law in Sokovia that I cannot remove them from their environment until the grade of education has been completed," Pietro said standing up off the bench.

"Well at least their learning," I stood up from the bench too, "Where are you going now?"

"I can't sit still for too long," Pietro grimaced, "I need to stretch my legs."

I laughed at the speedster right before my phone rang. The ringtone was very loud so I quickly fished the device out of my pocket and pressed answer.

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