Chapter 21

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This is the first time the Avengers are going to the safehouse!

No one knew about it except Clint, Tony, & Natasha for reasons that you'll find out ;)

Steve's POV

I wiped my sleeve across my mouth for the 12th time since we left the party. I couldn't help it. Everything in my mouth just felt disgusting and all I wanted was a toothbrush and some mouthwash.

"So, we have somewhere to go?" I asked them. I didn't know where they were we going but obviously we were headed somewhere.

"Yeah. I'm putting the tower on lock down and telling the others to meet us there," Tony replied.

I nodded and took out the flash drive that was in my shirt pocket. I inspected the small, black flash drive and hummed in thought.


I looked up to see Tony's brown eyes staring back at me. It was getting dark outside but I still admired the way his eyes shimmered in the passing street lights.

"Can I see it?"

I nodded and placed the small object in his open palm. He turned back around in his seat and inspected it. I smiled fondly because he began speaking his scientific analysis out loud.

"This is rare. It seems to have one zettabyte of storage which means this contains some pretty big files-"

"Zettabyte?" Clint questioned.

"One?" I asked confused.

Tony sighed and shook his head. "It's equivalent to one billion terabytes."

Clint and I nodded in understanding. The car was quiet after that. I let my thoughts drift back to the party and the date Tony asked me out on before the party.

I was staring out the window watching the street signs fly past as I wondered what happens next. I never really know when living a hero life like this.

With all these thoughts swimming around in my mind, I suddenly realized how tired I was. It was like all my thoughts and feelings were crushing me.

I gave in and let my eye lids droop closed.

✖ ✖ ✖

"Steve? Steve? Steven!"

I jolted awake with petite hands gripping at my shoulder and shaking me gently.

"What's wrong?" I said blinking the sleep out of my eyes to see Tasha sitting beside me.

"We're here," she said before jumping out. Tony and Clint were already out the car and walking up to a house.

I hurried out of the car and took in my surroundings. It was a large farmhouse that was in the middle of trees. Trees were everywhere.

I actually liked it. No, I loved it.

The fresh air was such a relief from the busy life in the heart of New York. I loved living in the city but sometimes I just need a break.

I climbed the porch stairs and entered the house. Tony, Clint, and Tasha were already inside so I closed the door behind me and locked it with a click.

"Guys?" I called out.

"In here," Clint said from another room.

I followed the voice into the large living room. It was enough space to fit six people comfortably but not bigger than the living room back at the tower.

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