Chapter 14

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Tony's POV

I didn't want to go sit in there with the team and talk with Steve like nothing happened. Instead, I just lingered in the halls, listening to his sad story.

Starting life all over again in a different time period is probably harder than it sounds. Steve also said he's always been gay.


I smiled at the thought of pre-serum Steve. My Dad had videos of the process stored in some old S.H.I.E.L.D. files that I watched. Steve definitely looked like the wimp that everyone picked on until he stepped out of that containment unit with heavily defined abs.

I thought about their whole conversation, replaying certain parts in my head. Steve said he was going to see his best friend from the 40's who just so happens to be Ace's mother?


Of course, when I got to the lab I started searching more files on the situation.

I pulled up records from the world war, Hydra, and learned more about the serum they injected Steve with. Then, I discovered something that really caught my eye.

My Dad helped create the super soldier serum, which I knew, but he also worked closely with Agent Carter. She was often off the grid so it was hard to dig up her files but Jarvis cracked the code.

"She worked with Howard," I said thinking out loud, "Maybe I can ask her about-"


I whipped around and saw an angry looking Clint marching right for me. He had his bow in his hand and his quiver of arrows over his back.

"What'd I do this time?" I sighed.

"You paired me with Pietro for training! I try to avoid him and you force me to train with him," he seethed. He sounded angry and exhausted.

"That wasn't entirely my fault. Steve created the training schedules-"

"Well, change mine." He said quickly and slammed his bow on the table to his right.

"Ask Steve. I don't have time for this right now, " I said dismissing his request.

Clint sighed and plopped down in a chair. I sat on the table in front of him and put my head in my hands.

It was silent as both Clint and I were exhausted and my mind was racing. The silence didn't last though because soon Clint spoke up.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked in a much gentler, but still tired, voice.

"Nothing," I replied quickly. He shrugged and held his arms up in surrender.

"Okay, okay. I understand."


"If you need to talk, I'm here," he practically whispered.

I smiled at that. Maybe this is why Clint and I got along better than anyone else on the team. He knew my limits and my lies. He knows I won't share my thoughts until I'm ready.

"I screwed up," I said simply.

"What else is new?" He scoffed.

I flicked him off causing him to laugh.

"No, seriously. What'd you do?" Clint asked, taking an arrow out of his quiver and spinning around his fingers like a drumstick.

"It's bad."

"What is it?" Clint asked unfazed.

"Like I might've just destroyed the team," I stated.

"It's not another Ultron, is it?"

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