Chapter 18

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Steve's POV

I decided to give Tony a second chance. He was ecstatic and I was too honestly. We were both still sitting at on the couch and had be talking for the past hour.

"So, Steve. Since I get another chance and everything, what do you say to maybe dinner?" Tony asked sheepishly, picking at the ends of his blanket.

"Are you asking me on a date, Mr. Stark?" I rose an eyebrow and smirked. My heart started beating faster in my chest.

"No, I'm asking if you want to grab a bite to eat at the local diner with me," he replied nonchalantly.

"That's it?" I laughed.

"You don't seem the type to do sex on first dates but-"

"So this is a date?"

His face grew red and I laughed.

"No," he grumbled with a pout on his face. I leaned over and pinched his adorable red cheek. He blushed even more as I brushed some stray hair out of his face.

We both grew still with my hand in his hair and our faces inches apart.

"Doth anyone know where my toasted pastries are?" A booming voice came from the kitchen followed by a slamming of cabinets.

I stopped leaning into Tony and pressed a finger to his lips, silently telling him to be quiet. Tony was laying down on the couch and I was leaning over to him from my spot on the floor so Thor couldn't see us from the kitchen.

We waited and listened to some more slamming before we heard another voice.

"Shut up, Asgardian. You do know it's 7:30 in the morning, right?"

It sounded like Tasha.

"My apologies but I cannot find my desired breakfast," Thor boomed.

"What are you looking for?" Tasha asked next.

"The toasted pastries with the frosting on top?" Thor questioned.

"You mean the PopTarts?" Tasha asked with a chuckle.

"Indeed!" Thor agreed.

"Can you all kindly shut the fuck up? I have a killer hangover," someone that sounded like Clint said.

"I told you not to get wasted," Tasha laughed causing Clint to make a groaning noise.

I looked back down at Tony nervously. More and more people were walking into the kitchen and I'm not sure how they would take it if they saw Tony and I practically on top of each other.

I removed my hand from Tony's face and sat back on my heels. Tony's eyes were panicking as we heard Wanda also enter the kitchen.

"I agree. You and Pietro were having a ball last night," Wanda laughed along with Tasha.

"Fuck you guys. I'm going to sit down," Clint grumbled.

Tony looked at me as if to say 'Do something' but I honestly didn't know what to do. We heard Clint's footsteps getting closer and I did the first thing that came to mind.

I stood up.

Clint gasped and actually tumbled back from shock.

"Whoa, what the hell, man? Don't scare me like that," he said with his hand over his chest.

Everyone standing in the kitchen was staring at me now. I just waved shyly.

"What were you doing?" Tasha asked curiously from the kitchen.

Clint walked all the way into the living room only to spot Tony curled up on the couch.

"Tony?" He questioned.

Tony sent Clint a death glare who just returned it with a smirk.

Tasha mouthed formed into a small 'o' before grinning also. I face palmed and shook my head at my over dramatic friends.

"What's going on?" Thor asked, mouth full of PopTarts.

"Nothing," both Tony and I replied simultaneously.

"Did you guys-"

"No," I said a bit harshly, cutting the Archer off.

"Um, okay." Clint shrugged and sat down in the recliner.

Thor looked like he was trying to put the pieces together still and Tasha had a smug look on her face like she already knew what happened.

"We're running out of food," someone now complained from the kitchen. I looked to see Bruce searching desperately through the cabinets and fridge.

I decided to jump at the opportunity.

"I'll go get some!" I said rushing for the door, grabbing my shoes on the way.

"Get some more pastries!" Thor practically yelled at me.

"I need some more milk and Oreos!" Pietro added on, now coming into the kitchen and rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"We need some more breakfast foods," Bruce informed.

"Anything else?" I asked, pressing the down button for the elevator.

"Yeah, one more thing." Natasha piped up.

I silently prayed in my head she wouldn't need any girl items.

"You planning on buying a shirt while you're out?" She said trying to suppress a laugh.

I felt my face heat up as I looked down at my bare torso. I muttered a small "oh, yeah" before scurrying to throw on the first shirt I found in my room.

I grabbed my phone and wallet off the dresser before rushing out the door. My teammates were still laughing at me and I swear I saw a smirk on Tony's face.

I disregarded it and quickly made it outside. Once I was out on the streets, I felt a strange vibration from my pocket. It startled me at first before I realized it was a text message.

I pulled out my phone and quickly read over the one lined message.


Meet me at the diner. 5pm.

Another text came through and I realized it was an address. I smirked to myself and tried to text him back quickly before crossing the street.


So this is a date ;-)


Guys! Omg!

First, how was the chapter?

Good? Cute? Excited for Stony date? Lol

I have tons of work to do but luckily I had this chapter pre written.

Ignore any grammar mistakes lol I just wanted to update for you guys to hopefully make your week better :)

I'm working on a double update this weekend too ;)

Thanks for all the support & byeee!

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