Chapter 15

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Steve's POV

"You want me to what?"

"Please?" Tony begged.

"First, you have to explain to me why you want to go with me to visit Peggy," I argued.

He sighed and leaned forward on the kitchen counter, stabilizing himself.

"She knew my father. I just need to know, Steve, please. I know you and Ace probably hate me but please," he said, his beautiful brown eyes begging.

I placed my half empty water bottle back on the counter and wiped the sweat dripping down my neck with my training towel.

"What is it you need to know?" I asked since I wasn't understanding.

He gently gnawed on his bottom lip, which was more attractive then it needed to be, before his eyes met mine again.

"I need to know who my mother was."

Tony's POV

"Where're bringing him?!"

I rolled my eyes for umpteenth time as Ace looked like he was having a mental breakdown.

"Stop acting like a teenager," I grumbled.

Ace glared at me before looking back at Steve. "I agreed to letting you visit my mom, not him."

"I know, Ace, and I'm so so grateful but-"

"I don't remember my mother, okay? Let's skip the sob stories and do this like men," I said cutting off Steve. Steve looked at me sympathetically before turning back to Ace.

"Please?" Steve squeaked.

"Fine, but only because I trust you." Ace said giving in. Steve thanked him with a huge bear hug causing me to roll my eyes again.

"Can we go now? Or are we just going to wait outside?" I asked sarcastically, breaking the two from their hug.

Ace rolled his eyes but opened the door to nursery home anyways. He led us inside to check in before making our way up to Ms. Peggy's room.

Ace put his hand on the handle of the door but turned back to look at us with a pained look.

"Now, she does tend out a lot and forget things but-"

"Ace, it's fine," Steve said patted his back, "she's lived a long life."

Ace smiled gratefully and pushed the door open. I was last to enter and a bit nervous if I was to admit.

"Ace, baby! What are you doing back so soon? And who did you bring with y-"

She stopped mid-sentence as she stared at Steve. Steve's eyes were glazed over with tears. That plus his snuggly, dark blue sweater made me want to hug him and comfort him to infinity and back but, of course, I missed my chance.


"Hey, Peggy." Steve smiled and took her frail hand in his large, strong one.

"How could this be?" She asked, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"I survived the crash, Peggy. Frozen in ice," Steve laughed sadly. She opened her arms and Steve didn't hesitate to hug her as gently as he could.

I watched in awe of their reunion and how gentle Steve could be. I almost forgot I was here for my own reasons until Ms. Peggy spoke to me.

"Howard?" She asked causing the other two men in the room to look at me. I wanted to fucking cry because this kind woman probably knew more about my father than I did.

"N-No, it's his son. Tony?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"Tony?" She whispered in awe.

I nodded causing her to laugh and cry some more.

"Oh, my dear boy. You've grown up to be a very handsome young man," she complimented and opened her arms to me. I immediately hugged her and willed no tears to fall.

"What brings you boys here today?" She asked.

"I just wanted to see how my best friend was doing," Steve smiled down at her, "Ace was nice enough to bring us by."

"I came to see you because I kind of wanted to ask you something," I said sheepishly. She nodded with a smile willing me to go on.

"Did you know who my mother was?"

She went silent, staring into space. My mind started racing on endless possibilities.

"Mom, are you alright?" Ace asked.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine, I was so long ago."

"What was?" I pressed.

"Your mom, her name was Maria. She was a very kindhearted lady but not one you want to mess with. She could drown the world in sarcasm when she wanted to," Ms. Peggy explained softly.

"Did you know her?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Yes, yes. Very nice lady. Your father met her at a diner. She was the waitress for his table and the two immediately hit it off."

"Wait, how do you know all of this?" I asked curiously. I could feel Steve's eyes staring at me and back to Ms. Peggy again.

"Because he met her while he was on a date with me," she chuckled lightly.

"Whoa, what? You dated his dad?" Ace asked flabbergasted.

"Watch it, Abercrombie," I spat at the green eyed who honestly looked like some stupid Abercrombie & Fitch model.

Ace scoffed and Steve gave us both warning looks.

"You're father was a good man, Anthony. Just not for me. Him and Maria were made for each other," she finished with a smile.

I crouched down closer to her bed and hugged her again.

"Thank you," I whispered, "Thank you so much."

At least now I had confirmation.

Maria Stark.

What a beautiful name for a mother.


Heyy! So ....Peggy?

Lol what'd you think? Good chapter?

I want to know everything you thought.

I'm super tired rn and I have so many ideas for this story that I need to write omg.

Just wanted to thank you guys for comments and votes. They keep me writing even when I don't feel like it ;)

Thanks and byeee!

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