Chapter 19

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Steve's POV

Just as I was stepping into super market I heard the familiar ringtone of my phone. I pulled it out and swiped the screen to answer before pressing it to my ear.


"Steve, we need you back here." Tasha rushed.

"What happened?" I asked walking back out the store and towards the tower.

"We've got a mission. I'll tell you more when you get here."

With that, she hung up. I didn't take it to offense because we aren't suppose to talk about missions over the phone. Because of the urgency in her voice, I decided to grab a cab back to the tower.

When I made it there, I quickly rode the elevator up to the penthouse were we live. The doors slid open and saw my teammates running around like kids late for school.

"Had anyone seen my other shoe?"

"Where's the rest of my arrows?"

"Wanda, have you seen my gold earrings?"

My eyes widened as I stepped out the elevator only to almost get ran over by Pietro.

"What's going on?" I asked Tasha who looked a little too formal for a mission. She was wearing a tight, black dress that had some soft of lace pattern layered over top of it.

"Split mission," she said simply.

"What are the teams?" I asked looking around at all the different Avengers rushing around.

"Clint, Tony, you, and I. Everyone else is going to Russia," she began explaining. I was about to ask why she wasn't assigning herself to the Russia mission since she can speak the language fluently. Then I remembered Wanda and Pietro can also speak it.

"What do we know about our mission?" I asked trying to get a firm understanding of what we're sent to do.

"Someone swiped some very important S.H.I.E.L.D. files-"


"No, a third party. We believe Hydra will show up late to pick up the files."

"So where do we come in?"

"We have to blend in first. Undercover," she winked and gestured to the gown she was wearing.

"Alright and the target? "

"Our target is the host of the party, Alec Hayes. A man who is filthy rich and believed to have the files hidden in his art collection," she explained.

"How are we going to get to it without making too much noise?" I wondered out loud.

"Easy. We use bait," she smirks.

"Okay so you'll bait him and Tony can-"

"Tony's our hacker in this situation but you, Steve," she looked at me for a split second before grinning again, "you're the bait."

My eyes widened as I searched my brain for the correct words to put together a coherent question.

"I-what? Why me?"

"He doesn't swing my way if you catch what I'm saying," she said with a wink.

I was baffled. I've never been bait before. It's always been Natasha while I keep watch of everyone else. This time it's the other way around and I admit it's a bit exciting.

Clint walked up from behind Tasha straightening his tie but he had his quiver of arrows slung over his arm.

"I'll be watching from the outside. I see better from a distance," Clint said proudly.

"Seems like you guys got everything figured out. Good job," I complimented my teammates.

"Not everything," she said rolling her eyes and turning to Clint, "Did you get Tony?"

Clint was staring off at something behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Pietro and Thor having a serious conversation. Thor looked like he was trying to explain something to the kid.

"Huh-what? Oh, no I didn't tell him yet-"

"Of course you didn't. Maybe if you stop making googly eyes at Pietro all the time we could actually do our job," Tasha snapped.

Clint frowned and I looked at him sympathetically. I could tell him and Pietro had complicated feelings for each other and I knew exactly how he felt.

"I'm sorry, Tasha. I can go-"

"No," she stopped him with her small hand on his chest, "I'll tell him. You need to finish getting ready."

"How much time do we have?" I asked.

"Two hours and it takes and hour to get to the party. Just throw on a nice suit and we'll meet downstairs. We're taking Tony's car," she said before stalking off.

Clint and I just stood there for a second, listening to her heels clicking down the hallway, before Clint spoke up.

"This is why I like it better when you give the orders," he huffed. I just smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I'll see you downstairs, soldier," I said succeeding in making him smile.

He nodded before I turned to go get dressed. I found the cleanest, most expensive suit that I owned and thought about the plan while getting it on.

I'm the bait.


Geez, I really hope I don't mess this up. I tried to remember all the times Tasha would bait someone. If I do what she did, maybe I can do this correctly.

I finally get my suit on right and make it downstairs. When I walk through the door of garage-- which doesn't look like a garage but more like a lab for cars-- I see Tasha and Clint trying to select a car.

I didn't see Tony so I curiously looked around before spotting him step out of a corner. He was still in the middle of buttoning his white dress shirt over his arc reactor when he saw me. He smirked and walked over to me while I'm sure my face was reddening.

"Guess I need a rain check on that date, huh?" He practically whispered.

I nodded blankly still staring at appearance. He was wearing a blue suit with a tie that looked either black or brown. His hair was perfectly quiffed up and I had look away before I did something to screw everything up between us.


"Huh? I'm sorry I was-"

"Checking me out?" Tony filled in with a smirk. I rolled my eyes which caused him to laugh. The corners of his eyes crinkled as his smile grew and I couldn't help but stare at how gorgeous he was.

Unfortunately, I was interrupted by an engine revving up.

"I hope you don't mind if we take this one!" Clint shouted over the engine and music he already started blasting. "I've always wanted to drive this beauty! Just listen to her!"

Clint stepped on the gas a few more times causing the entire garage room to fill with loud engine noises. I turned to look back down at Tony who was shaking his head but still bad a faint smile on his face.

"Shall we get going, Captain?" He asked me. I nodded and walked with him towards the silver, expensive looking car.

"We shall."


Pictures of everyone's outfits and the car will be included in the next chapter!

You guys are going to love it!

Or at least I hope you will...

I'll update it tomorrow if you guys are good XD

Okay I'll get back to writing now! Love you guys! Byeee!

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