Chapter 17

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Steve's POV

After a wild night with the people I've come to know and love as my friends, I was ready to just go home and lay down.

"Wait, Pietro! Do it again! Do it again!" Clint cheered drunkenly.

Pietro giggled before taking off in a super fast circle around Clint. Once Pietro ran fast enough, Clint began floating off the cement ground and laughing like a lunatic.

When they finally fell back down on their butts, they were in a fit of giggles and I just rolled my eyes.

"I think they're having too much fun," Tasha snickered. I agreed as all of us made out way back to the Tower and to the penthouse floor.

When the door opened, I could see that the TV was switched black but the kitchen light was on. I made my way over to turn it off as the others went to their rooms after bidding me a quiet good night.

I walked through the dark living room to get to the kitchen when I stepped on something hard. I turned on the table lamp and saw an old VHS tape under my feet and beside me and under the table.

I scoped out the room for the source of the mess when I saw Tony sleeping soundly, one of the tapes clutched to his chest. He looked adorable with his head propped on top of his other arm and his shirt riding up slightly so I could see his slim, tan waist.

I forced myself to stop staring at the man I can't have by picking up the three tapes closest to me and trying to make out the title in the low lighting.

Dad Working

I flipped it over.

Dad Ignoring Me

I immediately recognized the handwriting as Tony's as I flipped through some more. One side always said 'Dad Working' but the flip side was in a different context each time. Like, 'Dad Ignoring Me...Again' and 'Guess What? More ignoring!"

I wanted to laugh at how humorous it sounded but I knew Tony was in pain when he wrote this.

I searched for all the tapes in the dark and stacked them up neatly on the table. I also found a few open folders on the ground. I looked at the title of one and my blood immediately ran cold.

Super Soldier

I quickly closed the folder and stacked them as neat as I could with shaky hands. I grabbed a blanket off the recliner and draped it over Tony.

I smiled down at the sleeping brunette until I heard shuffling and a voice.

"You guys are so cute," a feminine Sokovian accent commented.

I flicked the kitchen light off before joining her in the hallway. I smiled and thanked her while walking her back to her room.

"I think something is going on between Clint and my brother. Don't you?" She wondered. I only shrugged.

"If they did; they'd tell us," I shrugged. She smiled and patted my shoulder before opening her room door.

"Good night, Steve."

"Good night," I said back before she closed the door. When I finally made it to my room, I stripped down to my boxers and crawled into bed.

Morning came too quick, as I opened my eyes to a hardly lit room. I checked the side clock to read 5:30 AM in red lights. I groaned and rolled over.

I gave up my second chance at sleep ten minutes later and rolled out of bed. I knew no one was up so I decided to grab a quick apple for breakfast so I wouldn't make too much noise cooking.

Making my way to the living room to watch TV, I forgot Tony still lay there from last night. The tape that was in his hands was more visible now. I leaned over him to read the blocky writing.


I hummed in thought. Maybe he was watching home videos. The tape was sitting in his open palm, about to fall to the floor.

I set my apple on the table and tried to gently pluck the tape from Tony's hand to place it with the others. However, as soon as it was taken from his palm, Tony's eyes shot open.

From the look on his face you would have thought I'd just stolen his arc reactor.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He half whined, half grumbled.

"I was just going to put it with the others so it wouldn't fall," I said gesturing to the stack on the table.

Tony snatched the tape back and caressed it. I watched as his face softened and he sighed.

"I'm sorry, Steve. I guess I'm just a fuck up all around."

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a seat on the floor. He turned on the couch to look at me and I saw his eyes were glazed over with tears.

I felt the sudden urge to hold his hand but held off.

"Us. What we could have had. I fucked it up, didn't I?"

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I can tell that it's hard for you to look it me anymore because I broke your heart. I broke it because I was scared of what may come out of it," he explained.

I wanted to give in so bad. So bad. I didn't though because I gave in easily the last time and that's what got us here.

"And you're not just saying this because Pepper is away on business, are you?"

He grimaced and shook his head.

"No, absolutely not. Honestly, the way I was woken up this morning- by your face- is how I would love to be woken up every day," he replied sheepishly.

I stared at him in amazement.

"Did that sound creepy? Ugh, I screwed up again." Tony said beating himself up about it.

I took his hand in mine which caused his brow to furrow and look at me curiously. The way he cocked his head to the side made him look like an adorable puppy.

"You didn't screw up everything."


Hello beautiful people!

I'm cuddled up with my phone on the couch because there's supposed to be a hurricane X(

Thoughts on this chapter?

I know the feels were real lol I can't wait to write/upload what's coming next it's gonna be...

I'm not spoiling it! XD

But you guys know it won't be a Tony_Loki story if it wasn't packed with drama and feels ;)

I also need to get working on some one shots ! So if you requested one please don't kill me if I can't write it right away :(

One last thing! I really want to read a scary book on Wattpad for Halloween (doesn't have to be a fanfic or anything)

I just want it to scare me so much that I shake while reading it! So please if you have any suggestions for good Scary Books that I can read please message me the book or comment the Name and Author!

Thanks so much!


Changing My Life [Book 1]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara