Chapter 7

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I want to dedicate this chapter to Joanna1Dlover for her comments saying how she was basically checking Wattpad every hour for an update XD

I wasn't going to write or update today but I had to once I saw that comment. I was like awww okay! XD

Also I noticed people going back and reading this book series over again and I'm so happy that you guys love it that much.



Tony's POV

"You can't keep getting drunk like this!" Pepper yelled from the door of the lab.

"It's been a long day," I grumbled back. She only rolled her eyes and stepped further into the lab.

"This isn't good for your health, Tony. It doesn't mix well with your anxiety medicine," she said in a softer tone.

"Well then, it's a good thing I haven't been taking it," I retorted.

She closed the hologram I was working on so I was forced to look her in the eye while talking.

"The party was great. You're suits are great. Our relationship is great. Everything is perfect, okay?"

I knew she was just trying to help but it didn't make me feel any better.

"Then why don't I feel perfect? Something is missing," I said feeling nervous all of a sudden. I knew something was wrong and out of place.

Actually, I knew exactly what didn't feel right. Here Pepper is trying to calm me and drag me to bed but I didn't want her.

I wanted someone else.

"Did Steve go home with Ace?" I asked. She stared at me incredulously and I didn't understand why until I realized she was in the middle of talking before my random outburst.

"No, he just got home about fifteen minutes ago. Why?" She asked with a hand on her hip. She sounded exhausted but I couldn't bring my drunken state to do anything to help her.

I only make things worse.

"It's already midnight, Tony, please just-"

"Go to bed, Pepper. I'll be alright," I said standing and looking for something. I have no idea what I was looking for and I kept tripping on the floor.

"Tony, you're sick. I have to get you help-"

"I said I'm fine!" I growled back. I was seeing two Pepper's because of my double vision but I still managed to yell at one of them.

"I clearly see that you aren't in the mood tonight so we'll talk in the morning," she snapped before leaving me alone in the lab.

I didn't want to be alone.

Never thought playboy's could feel alone. Even when I have women on each arm I feel empty inside. The pleasure is only for a moment and then boom.

Alone, again.

I sat cross legged on the floor with my head heavy in my hands. I heard noises around me and tried to drown them out.

One kept getting closer and closer until-

"Tony? Tony, are you okay?"

I lifted my head and my eyes skimmed over the person in front of me. When my eyes reached his face, I wanted to scream.

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