Chapter 26

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Above is one of the pieces of art that will be in the art museum!

Ready for Stony feels?? Good!

Enjoy loves!

Tony's POV

When we finally made it to the diner, there was a bit of silence. It was different being on a date compared to just fooling around. It felt more official and intimate somehow.

It was something I had rarely experienced. With Pepper, it was always quick bites to eat or shopping trips. I'd buy her nice things instead of expressing real love.

Things with Steve felt different. I wanted him to have everything he's ever wanted plus more. I wanted to make him feel like he made me feel.

"You sure you don't want to go somewhere different?" I asked.

It's not that this diner was nasty, but it's not the fanciest place for a dinner date.

Steve smiled, "No, this is fine. It's where we would have went if our first date hadn't been cancelled."

I smiled and nodded. I looked at the menu briefly before deciding on a burger and classic shake. When I looked up, Steve was already staring at me.

"Hey, soldier," I winked. His cheeks flushed red and he rolled his eyes.

I laughed as he hid his face in the tall menu. The waitress walked up to our table then. I ordered first followed by Steve just replying "same".

She batted her eyelashes at Steve as she wrote down the orders. I rolled my eyes at her once she left.

"Someone gets jealous easily," Steve laughed. I glared at him which only caused him to laugh harder.

"Why don't you just tell her you're gay?" I asked curiously.

He shrugged, "It doesn't bother me too much. Besides, that's rude."

"Well, it bothers me," I shrugged. Right on time, the waitress walked back over and set our food down with a huge smile sent Steve's way.

"Hey, Sweet Cheeks. Think you can stop flirting with my date? Thanks."

She looked baffled for a second before a smile appeared back on her ugly makeup covered face.


"Yes. Date."

"As in-"

"As in we might be fucking tonight. Is that an acceptable answer for you?" I retorted.

She looked utterly disgusted before scurrying back to the kitchen. I just shrugged and sipped my shake. When I looked back up, Steve was staring at me with his jaw slack.

"What?" I asked nonchalantly chewing on a fry.

"Why did you do that?" He asked appalled.

"You already said it: I don't like sharing," I said with a smirk. His cheeks reddened and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Stark. I'm not yours anyways," he said with a hint of a smile on his beautiful face.

"Will you be?" I asked seriously.

He stared at me like I had two heads until he realized that I was expecting an answer. He cleared his throat to buy him more time.

"What?" He questioned, his voice cracking slightly.

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