Chapter 3

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I had learned all the club members' names and their "selling point" from Kyoya. He, apparently, didn't really entertain the customers as much as the others. Honey, the boy who looked like a child, was a boy Lolita. Mori, Honey's cousin and the one who didn't talk much, was depicted as the mysterious, silent one. Hikaru, the twin who had been on the right earlier, and Kaoru, who was insulting Haruhi fighting with me, were sold together as being "twincest, the ultimate forbidden brotherly love." I couldn't even believe people were interested in that, but the school had proved to be pretty weird. Finally, Tamaki was the prince. That I did believe.

Kyoya had given me an accounting book and asked me to total the amount spent the month before. I opened up the black notebook and closed it again immediately, only having glanced at the numbers for a second. That was a lot of money. "What's wrong?" Kyoya asked, sitting next to me.

"I haven't seen so much money in my life!" I gasped, eyes wide.

He sighed, "Yes, Tamaki has expensive taste, I'm afraid. I'm hoping to find a way to cut it down some this month, but so far, it isn't working."

I asked, "By how much?"

He answered, "Ten-percent."

"Ten-percent...?" I trailed off. "Even if you were to cut it down that much, that's still a ton of money! You could be giving that to a charity or something, but instead, you're spending over ninety-seven thousand yen on snacks!"

"Why would we want to do that?" Kyoya frowned.

"There has to be reason besides helping people?" I retorted.

"You have a strange way of thinking, Azami. Or, maybe that is how the people of middle-class think. This is just a way of entertaining ourselves. That's all. None of them care how much money goes into it because they spend this much in everyday life. I care because I'm supposed to. I have to make sure we don't go over budget, not that I can do very well. Tamaki doesn't change his mind easily when it comes to these things," he explained.

"That's so wasteful. I could easily pay for college with about five months worth of your spending," I shook my head, opening up the notebook again and beginning to punch the long numbers into the calculator. We didn't speak after that. It was obvious we'd never agree on the subject.

When I looked up a few minutes later, I saw Haruhi walking back in with a grocery bag. I ran up to her and asked, "Are you alright? Do you need me to help you carry anything?" I didn't like her going out by herself. We still didn't know the area very well around Ouran.

"I'm fine. Stop worrying, Azami," Haruhi sighed.

Tamaki, who was sitting on his couch surrounded by girls, thanked, "Thanks for doing the shopping, little piglet. Did you get everything on our list?"

"What? Piglet?" Haruhi asked.

"Is that an insult?" my lip twitched. He wasn't listening, he just motioned us over to him. He wanted to make sure that she had bought the right things. She first handed him a jar of coffee.

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