Chapter 35

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It was almost evening. I worried Tamaki would be leaving soon. When the taxi pulled up in front of the parking deck, I basically threw the money at him after getting it out of my wallet. "Thank you!" I exclaimed before scrambling out of the car. "I need you to stay here, please. Wait thirty minutes, and if I'm not back, go ahead and leave."

The driver agreed, "Alright." I ran off over to the high school building. I ditched my high heels on the stairs leading to the building.

As I ran, I checked my phone and smiled when I saw I had a signal. I quickly called Kyoya. When he picked up, I told him, "Tamaki called me about forty minutes ago and left a voicemail. He's leaving for France with Éclair!"

He told me, "We know, his maid just told us. He left already."

I panted, "Okay. I'm here. I'm in the hall leading to the music room. I'll see you in a minute." I hung up and ran as fast as I could. I slammed the doors open and saw them all standing near the window, dressed as eighteenth century French nobles. They looked surprised to see me. "Well, what are you all waiting for?"

Kyoya snapped them all out of it, "My family's car should be in the parking lot!"

I doubted, "I don't think we'll all fit. I'll trail behind you in the cab waiting for me." He nodded and started out the door

"Let's go, Haruhi!" he called behind him. I saw her sitting silently in a chair dressed as a princess from the same time period. I ran over to her and grabbed her hand as she stood.

We caught up to them shortly and ran out of the building to the parking lot. They continued inside while I went back to the taxi. The driver commented, "That was quick."

"I need a favor. Can I borrow this car? I need to catch a friend making a horrible mistake," I explained.

"Hell, no! Are you crazy?" he shouted.

"I'll return it and pay for the ride. I even have a license." I showed it to him in my wallet. I hadn't driven very much, but at the least, I knew how. "Please," I begged him.

"God, if you're going to give me that face... If you scratch it up, you'll be paying for it!" he warned as he got out of the car and handed me the keys.

I kissed his cheek and smiled, "You're the nicest man ever! Thank you so much!" I took the keys and got in the car. I drove to the exit side of the parking deck. I thought they would have been driving away by then. What was taking them so long?

My phone started buzzing, and I took it out. I accepted the call and said into the phone, "Kaoru, where are you? I'm waiting for you guys."

"We couldn't get the car. Kyoya's father ordered the driver not to leave, and then the Otori Private Police showed up with orders to protect Éclair." I had never seen Kyoya's family's private police, but I had heard of them through Haruhi when she was telling me about when she went to a water park with the rest of the Hosts. I had stayed home studying that day. Still, I knew they were well-trained and a little scary. "Honey, Mori, and Kyoya stayed back to deal with it."

I asked, "Wait, then what are you, Hikaru, and Haruhi riding in?"

"We're almost out. I'll see you soon," he said and hung up. I got the car in gear and waited. I was stunned by what I saw come out of the parking deck. They were riding in the carriage they were using for the fair!

I hurried after them. I got another call and picked it up. It was Kaoru once more. "We're using a shortcut to catch up to them. Just follow us, okay?"

I answered, "Right behind you." I hung up and put the cellphone in the passenger seat.

We drove onto a dirt path that I had no idea about before then. The trees blurred as I picked up speed to keep up. I was already up to fifty kilometers per hour. They were going pretty fast for a horse drawn carriage. If they thought they were alright, I wasn't going to question them. After all, I had no idea how to drive a carriage.

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