Chapter 22

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I had to admit, the school wasn't exactly my first choice. Still, it was the school my mother went to, so I should have at least take the scholarship test, right? To honor her?

I had just finished the scholarship test and walked out of my designated classroom. I wasn't too sure where to go from there, though. I was tired and the test had taken hours, causing my memory of the morning to fade. A bell rung and soon the halls were flooded with students. I couldn't see anything that would give me a clue as to where to go with all the heads and bodies in the way.

Everyone was bumping into me as I stood in the middle of the hall. Someone knocked me over. "I'm terribly sorry, young maiden! I hadn't seen you there!" the person apologized, offering me her hand. I stared at it a second before taking it. She pulled me to my feet.

I saw that there were two girls, both dressed in the school uniform. The girl who had pushed me smiled, "I would remember seeing a beautiful maiden such as you. Also, you are not wearing the uniform. What is your name?"

I answered, "I'm Azami Fujioka. It's nice to meet you, and I don't go to school here. I just finished taking the scholarship exam."

She gasped, "How impressive!" The other one nodded in agreement, staring at me. "I am Benibara, and this is Suzuran. We're part of the Zuka club here."

"Oh. That's amazing," I told her, acting like I knew what that was. "Um, I better get going. Like I said, nice meeting you both."

"I have a feeling it will not be the last we see of each other."

I was late to the Host Club again. I had been in the office for a phone call. It had been the Fuchu Nishi staff informing me that the results of the scholarship winners would be announced at the end of the school year, and that the finalists would be called sooner to be invited to meet the headmaster and take a tour of the campus. That was a long ways away. Plus, when I had heard it was the university, I had gotten very excited to hear the news only to be let down.

Anyways, I would have been there on time, but Ouran was holding an exposition for the cultural clubs from a lot of different schools. That meant the hallways were packed with people, some lost and just standing around. It took forever to get to Music Room #3.

The door was open, as the Club was already in business. A familiar voice said, "We'll come back for your answer tomorrow. Well then, adieu." I looked inside and gasped as three girls turned around. They stared right back at me.

"A maiden with a face so beautiful is unforgettable. I told you it was true. You're Azami Fujioka," Benibara gasped.

Tamaki yelled, "You know these evil women?!"

I explained, "I bumped into them once at St. Lobelia Academy. It's a pleasure to see you again, Benibara, Suzuran, and..." I nodded to the two girls I knew and only furrowed my brow at the third. "I'm sorry. We aren't acquainted."

They gushed, "How polite and formal!" I smiled awkwardly.

Break My Promise (OHSHC/Kaoru Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin