Chapter 5

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I didn't know where Haruhi was the next day. She was supposed to be at the Host Club, but she didn't show. She wasn't one to be late, and we all knew that. Tamaki told me to go looking for her, so I left the work I was doing to go look around.

I came up to a large window with a view of the pond below. Haruhi was in the water, trying to fish out her things. "Oh, no," I groaned. I knew she wasn't so careless as to drop her bag in the water. She had even said earlier that she thought she had lost it. Someone must have taken it and threw it in there.

"You two must think you're so special," Ayanokoji stated, walking up next to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I kept my hands in the glass as I turned my head to look at her.

"You think that just because you're honor students you deserve all this attention. I'm sure it's nice to have the Host Club put all their energy into making you both better, more acceptable. It'll end soon, though. They'll throw you away like old toys. Nothing they can do will change how you're worthless," she insulted.

"Is that just a long way of telling me you threw Haruhi's bag in the pond?" I raised an eyebrow, turning to her completely.

"You could say that," she shrugged.

"I don't understand, Ayanokoji. First you made that girl spill coffee on me, but it didn't really do anything. Now, you've thrown Haruhi's bag in the pond so that he... would be late to the Host Club!" I gasped, snapping my fingers in realization.

She asked, confused by my outburst, "What?"

I accused, "You're trying to make fools out of us!"

She scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous! You do that by yourselves."

"You don't want the Host Club to like us. The moment we stepped in there, we became the center of their attention. That's why you spilled the coffee on me. You tried to make me look like an idiot, but it didn't work out how you planned, did it? They all brushed it off because it was nothing. An accident. In fact, they gave me a new, proper uniform. It made you angry that your plan failed," I explained.

She glared, "You might be spitting out the words, but you have no idea what you're talking about."

"I think I know exactly what I'm talking about. I want to be a therapist, after all. I have to get in people's minds. That's how I know you stole Haruhi's bag and threw it in the pond right before the Club opened. He would be late because he went looking for it. You think they'll get angry and kick us out," I stated.

"That would imply I feel threatened by you two. Why would I ever feel that?" Ayanokoji replied.

I thought over everything I knew about Ayanokoji, and though that wasn't much, I finally figured it out, "It's not necessarily a threatening feeling. You're just overprotective. Not of all the Host Club members, though. No, you couldn't care less about them. It's Tamaki. You're his regular. You talk about him in the halls all the time. You're his princess, but ever since Haruhi and I came along, most of his attention has been diverted from you on to us. Especially on Haruhi."

She frowned and I taunted, "Do I see jealousy in your eyes? That's all it is. Jealousy. How childish of you. The princess that was never out of the spotlight has figured out her light is dying. That must sting so horribly. It's good, though. You're finally getting a taste of the real world."

Ayanokoji grabbed my arm roughly and threatened through her teeth, "Listen to me, commoner. You and Haruhi better stay away from Tamaki and leave the Host Club. I can make your life a nightmare here at Ouran. If you're as smart as you say you are, you'll do what I want."

I slapped her across the face. I heard the sound resonate throughout the silent hall. She let go of me. "I'm not here to make friends, princess. You aren't going to be an exception. You better stay away from Haruhi and I if you aren't as stupid as I thought you were." I bolted away from her and down the stairs to get to the pond to help Haruhi.

I raced down the path to the pond, but stopped when it came into view. Tamaki was already in the fountain helping her. I must have been taking too long. Something told me that I shouldn't disturb them, so I backed two a few steps and turned around, bumping right into two people. I back up a little again and saw it was the twins.

"Oh, sorry, Kaoru, Hikaru. I wasn't watching where I was going," I apologized, nodding my head to each of them as I said their names.

"Wait, what did you say?" Kaoru asked.

I said, "I apologized for bumping into you."

Hikaru clarified, "Yeah, but you motioned to us as you said our names."

I shrugged, "What about it?"

"And you got it right," Hikaru continued.

"Can you tell us apart?" they asked me together.

"Yeah," I answered, unsure what was so important about it.

"I guess it doesn't matter. You could tell from the way we part our hair," Hikaru dismissed.

I shook my head, "No, I didn't look at your parts. I can just tell who is who. Is that a bad thing?"

"No..." he trailed off.

"... just most people can't," Kaoru finished. They were looking at me like I was an alien or something.

I smiled, "Then, I guess it's good I'm different enough to tell you apart. Now, why aren't you at the Host Club? It should be opening soon."

They snapped out of their trance and explained, "You were taking too long, so Tamaki went to find Haruhi and we were sent to find you. Did you ever see Haruhi?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I did."

Hikaru wondered, "Is he okay?"

I looked back at the fountain over my shoulder, seeing Tamaki handing her something that had fallen out of the bag. Then, I stretched my neck to look at the window. Ayanokoji was still there, watching at them together. I smirked, knowing what her face must have looked like. "Haruhi is fine and with Tamaki. They'll be back soon. Let's go ahead."

They agreed with me and led the way back, but didn't speak to me. Something seemed off with them. I couldn't see why me knowing who was who was such a big deal. Even if most people couldn't, they were acting like it was the most amazing thing in the world. That was when I realized, maybe it was to them.

It was a little ridiculous, but after what I had seen from them, it was possible. I might had solved one person, but I still had two to figure out.

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