Chapter 33

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It was the first day of orientation. I was incredibly happy I wasn't making my speech that day. I was too nervous. After what had happened at the campus tour, I wasn't sure how welcoming everyone would be to me. I had to remember that during the tour everyone was out for blood since we were competition, but I was still weary. They had put the school I had been attending on the website under my picture, after all.

I hoped as long as I looked the part, no one would think much of my schooling. My hair was in a tight bun, and I wore my gray pencil skirt and blazer with my white blouse underneath. I focused on my black heels clicking on the pavement as I walked to the school. The entire campus was being used for orientation, even though it was only expected that half of the accepted students were to attend, considering most high schools were having their graduation that day. The scholarship winner had to go both days, unfortunately.

As I walked through the doors, I reminded myself, Just stay near the walls and corners and don't talk to anyone. Before I could even try to sneak my way to the darkest corner of the school, I was greeted by a woman with a bright smile on her face. Her name tag read, "Yumiko Tanaka." Of course, I groaned.

She grinned, "Welcome to Fuchu Nishi University, Miss Azami Fujioka! I am the Scholarship Coordinator you spoke to on the phone last week, Yumiko Tanaka."

I bowed to her, "It's a pleasure to meet you in person."

As I straightened, Ms. Tanaka dismissed, "The pleasure is mine! We're so glad you could make it both days." I didn't have a choice, I thought. She placed something on my blazer, and I looked down at it. It was a name tag. "All the students are required to wear them so they can get to know each other."

I scanned over the crowd of students, clearly listening in, and I asked, "How come mine is gold while theirs is green?" I recognized the two colors to be the school colors.

She answered, "Because you are the winner, yours is to signify that." So much for my plan, I sighed mentally. It was only the beginning and nothing was going my way. "Now, I'll leave you, so you may go talk with the others. Have a nice day, Miss Fujioka!"

I grumbled to myself, "She wasn't that energetic on the phone..." Realizing everyone was staring at me, I moved away from the door and weaved my way through the crowd.

I heard people whisper, "Is that her?"

"That's Azami Fujioka! She won the scholarship!"

"I heard the scholarship winner goes to a rich private school. She didn't even need the money."

"I bet her fancy school paid for her to win."

"That's really low. She doesn't deserve to be here."

I sighed and ended up at one of the many refreshment tables. I stood in the corner near it and took a piece of tuna off it. I smiled at it before eating it. It reminded me of the party the Host Club threw near the beginning of the year. I had been so relieved the plan to bring Kasuga and her fiancé together worked. Thinking about it, the party had been a lot of fun. The fancy tuna was delicious, much better than the ones at the university, and I had gotten to dance with Kaoru.

Kaoru... I thought, my smile turning into a frown. I sighed and wondered what he was doing. I hadn't talked to him since I told him I won the scholarship, but I had a little to the others. I hoped he was alright. He had Hikaru to keep his mind off things, though. It wouldn't have been long before he didn't care much about me anymore. Even if it hurt to think about, that might not have been a bad thing. He deserved someone better.

I stood at that table the whole day, only leaving occasionally to use the bathroom. No one came up and talked to me. They all glared and whispered about me when they walked by. I wished I was at the Ouran Fair with my friends instead.

I got home later than I had for the campus tour. The sun had already set. I was tired and irritable. I couldn't wait to go to sleep and get the next day over with.

I went into the apartment and left my shoes by the door. I called, "Haruhi, I'm home!"

She called back, not sounding the same, "I'm in my room." My eyebrows came together and I followed her voice. I opened the door and closed it behind me. She was sitting on her bed, looking at the floor. I had never seen her so sad since... Mom died.

I asked, "What's wrong?"

Haruhi looked up and said, "Nothing. How was your day?"

I sat next to her and sighed, "Horrible. Everyone hates me because I'm the scholarship winner that goes to Ouran Academy. Now, tell me the truth. I know you're upset. What's going on?"

She revealed, "This girl, Lady Éclair Torrenne, came today. Tamaki's grandmother brought her and told him to escort her around for the duration of the fair. None of us saw him much. At the end of the day, he told us he's now engaged to her, and after the Fair, the Club will dissolve."

"He can't!" I gasped. He loved Haruhi. Anyone could see that. I couldn't wrap my head around why he would suddenly get engaged to girl who randomly showed up. Or leave his pretend-family. None of it made sense. We were missing something.

"He already did. I can't believe it," she stated. I looked at the floor, my brain spinning.

"This doesn't seem right. He loves the Host Club. I wish I had been there to see his face when he said it..."

Haruhi said, "We do, too." My eyes snapped to hers, and she gave me a soft smile.

I muttered, "Don't make me feel more guilty."

She shrugged, "Sorry. We just miss you. Losing two people in one week is a bit much."

I put my arm around her shoulder and sighed, "Yeah, I know. I wanted to be at Ouran today more than Fuchu Nishi. I don't want to give it up, though. Just because I'll be a loner again doesn't mean it isn't worth it."

"I know, Azami. We don't want you to. We're happy for you. It's still sad to see everyone moving on, though."

"Don't worry too much. Tamaki will come around. He won't leave his daughter behind," I assured her.

Break My Promise (OHSHC/Kaoru Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon