Chapter 29

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They knew. I could tell. Tamaki wouldn't talk to me during class, and when I walked past any of the other members, besides Kyoya, they wouldn't even look at me. Still, when they were near, I could feel them staring. It was only when I turned to them that they looked away. Kyoya was the only one who would speak to me, but even then they were about very general things. He obviously wasn't supposed to speak about the matter, and I wasn't too sure if the others knew he had known the whole time.

I dragged my feet to the music room. I didn't want to face them, nor did I know what I was going to do once I got there. When I reached the room, there was a sign saying we weren't open for business. This isn't good, I thought.

I opened the door slowly and stepped inside, not looking at them just yet. I shut the door softly behind me. Having no other choice, I turned to them. They stood in a line across from me, arms crossed, all except for Kyoya and Haruhi. They looked ready to pounce on me. My sister mouthed, "I'm sorry." I looked away from her and took a deep breath.

"You've been keeping secrets, Azami," Tamaki said, breaking the silence.

"I'm not going to waste your time and play dumb. Yes, I have a chance for a scholarship to Fuchu Nishi, and if I win, I will be attending their school next year," I nodded. "That's why I missed yesterday. I was out for a campus tour with the other finalists."

"What was the point in keeping it from us?" Kaoru demanded giving me an icy glare.

I remained emotionless, "I thought you would do something. Whether it would be to get me in or keep me out, I don't know, and I don't want to. That scholarship is my dream. I don't want it stolen from me."

He took a few steps closer from me and frowned, "We wouldn't do that! How could you think that?"

I backfired, "How could I not? I know you guys. You'd make up some crazy scheme."

Tamaki gasped, "How can you say that? We never concoct schemes!"

Honey reminded him, "But Tama-chan, what about when we got Princess Kasuga together with her fiancé? Or when we dressed up to keep them from leaving to St. Lobelia?"

Tamaki looked defeated, "Oh... yeah."

"Azami, please don't start shutting us off from you. Don't be emotionless. Listen, we'd never keep you from your dream, especially me. I know how important this is to you, and I think you know that, too. I just can't believe you never told me. How many times have I said that I wanted to spend more time with you? That I wish we were in the same age so you wouldn't have to leave?" Kaoru asked.

"That's why I couldn't!" I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "I didn't want you to find out this way, Kaoru. You have to realize that. I was going to tell you a couple times, but every time you would say that you wanted us to spend more time together. I felt too guilty. I know I should have just spit it out, but... you'd have been hurt."

He wondered, "Do you think I feel any different now?"

I looked down at the floor, "No. You feel worse. I'm so sorry, Kaoru. I was being selfish. It wasn't fair to you." He tilted my head up and forced me to look into his eyes. He had a soft smile on his lips.

"It's fine, Azami. That' small I wanted to hear. But no more secrets," he told me.

I agreed, "No more." He let me go and I looked to the others. "I'm sorry, guys. I shouldn't have thought so poorly of you. In all honesty, you really are my friends."

Honey ran over and hugged me, "It's okay, Aza-chan! We forgive you!"

"Yeah, it'll be okay," Tamaki smiled.

Hikaru put his arm around Kaoru's shoulder, "If Kaoru forgives you, then I do, too. I mean, he was the one hurt the most." His brother shrugged and gave me an embarrassed smile, putting his arms over Hikaru's and my shoulders.

"You know, I don't really blame her for thinking like that. The prince would have made us do something crazy if he had known earlier," Kyoya intervened, never looking up from his clipboard. "That's why I never said anything."

"What? You knew about this?" Tamaki shouted.

"Of course, I did. It's my job," he smirked. Tamaki growled at him before sighing. He walked over to me.

"While you still must attend club meetings, any activities outside of club hours that the Hosts must attend, you have been excused from if you wish so you may further your studies. If you want to get that scholarship, then we'll help any way you want us to, Azami," he declared.

"Thank you, but I'm sure I'll still go to some of them. I don't mind as long as you all are there," I grinned.

The twins started gushing over me, "Aw, you're so sweet! That's so cute! You're our friend, too!" Haruhi laughed and refused to help me. I stood between them, frowning.

"Cut it out, guys! You're suffocating me!" I whined. They didn't stop. I sighed but smiled.

I had to admit, I was pretty lucky. My friends were nice enough to forgive me after deceiving them for so long. Most importantly, Kaoru wasn't angry. I didn't know what I would have done if he hadn't forgiven me.

I think I had finally realized I didn't need to keep things like that from them. They were all really supportive of me. Plus, it was a relief to get that off my chest. It was such a pain sneaking around.

Yeah, I was very lucky.

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