Chapter 26

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Haruhi had been nice enough to take over the morning shift in the dining area so I could sleep longer, since I had stayed up late the night before studying. I really appreciated it. My memory was pretty good, but with slush for a brain, I knew I would be confusing everyone's orders. And, well, knowing how picky the Host Club could be, it could have been a huge disaster.

I was walking down the hall from the bedrooms to help Haruhi out when I saw Hikaru. I waved, "Good morning, Hikaru!" He just stormed pass me. Anyone could see he was seething, but from what?

Kaoru ran past me to catch up and called back to me, "Hey, Azami! I'll talk to you later!"

"Alright!" I replied. I frowned at their strange actions, but I figured Kaoru would tell me what happened later.

I made my way to the dining area, but Misuzu told me they had all went outside to say goodbye to Haruhi's old friend. After thanking him, I ran out to the front if the pension. I heard Haruhi apologize, "I'm really sorry, Arai." I smiled a little at the name.

"It's okay. I don't know what I did, but whatever it was, it sure seemed to set him off, huh?" Arai brushed off. So, he's the reason Hikaru's mad, I figured out. I could tell he was upset by it all. He was way too cheerful.

I knew Arai was what set Hikaru off, because I knew Hikaru liked Haruhi. Even if he wasn't going to admit it, she was still his friend. Why would he think she'd need another friend when he never did? He probably figured he wasn't good enough or something. Another part of this, though, was that Arai used to have a crush on Haruhi. I didn't know if he still did, but I knew he would still care about her and have a close bond. I was sure that was what made Hikaru angry.

I walked over and grinned, "Is that really you, Arai?"

"Uh, I'm sorry, I forgot your name..." he trailed off, looking at little embarrassed.

I laughed, "It's fine! I've only met you a few times. I'm Haruhi's older sister, Azami." I bowed as I said my name.

"Oh, yeah! I'm so sorry, Azami!" he apologized.

"Like I said, no problem. What are you doing over here?" I wondered.

"I'm helping out my uncle's shop for the summer. I was just dropping off some fruit, but I gotta get going now," he stated. He slung a leg over his bike.

I frowned, "Oh, okay. Maybe I'll see you around, still."

"Maybe. Swing by if you get the chance, but if I remember correctly, you never do. Am I right?"

I giggled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm still working hard." All of a sudden, we heard the door open and turned our hands. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Hika-chan!" Honey gasped. The thing was, that wasn't Hikaru. He may have changed into Hiakru's clothes and parted his hair differently, but I knew that was Kaoru. What was going on?

Kaoru stopped once he reached us, a hand on the back of his neck. He looked away from Arai and apologized, "I was out of line. I'm sorry."

Arai smiled, "Thanks, don't worry about it. Well, see you soon, Fujiokas. Bye, guys." He was happier. The light in his eyes had changed.

We waved to him as he rode away and Honey called, "Bye-bye!" When he was far out into the distance, Haruhi and I turned to the fake twin.

"So, Kaoru, tell me why you're pretending to be Hikaru," Haruhi demanded.

"Is he still mad?" I raised an eyebrow as I crossed my arms.

"Hey, what happened to that cut on your cheek?" my sister added, tugging on his face.

Kaoru explained, "I just covered it up with some concealer." He showed us the silver tube that contained the concealer. Haruhi released him, and he rubbed his cheek. "I don't think Hikaru's temper is gonna let up soon. He's no fun when he's like this, so I have a small favor to ask of you. Haruhi, how would you like to go out with me tomorrow on a date?" My eyes widened. Tamaki was completely frozen from shock. He couldn't even protest.

"Sure," she answered. "How is eleven in the morning?"

"That's great! I'll see you then!" he grinned and walked back inside.

When Haruhi turned to me, she frowned, "Azami? Are you okay? You look pale."

I shook my head and cleared my throat, "Uh, yeah. I must be getting sick or something. My chest does feel a bit heavy. Maybe it's just allergies." Honestly, I didn't know what was wrong.

"You should get some rest. I'll cover for you today," she offered. Usually, I would have declined and pressed on, but instead, I nodded. I sighed before trudging back inside, leaving everyone confused as to why I was acting like that, including myself.

I guess the best way to put how I felt was... off. That was it. I had been so happy earlier, but suddenly, I was just tired and, well, a little sad. I entertained the thought that it could be because Kaoru and Haruhi were going on a date, but quickly dismissed the notion. I didn't like Kaoru like that.

I closed the door to my bedroom and lied on the bed. I stared at the ceiling before falling into a dreamless sleep.

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