Chapter 4

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It was our second day of working for the Host Club, and I was trying to make adjustments to the wardrobe budget to cut spending. At the same time, I was also trying to watch the twins and figure out how I was supposed to get all my studying in.

They just kept doing the same thing over again. They would tell stories about each other and act romantic with the other. The girls were really only watching them. The twins didn't have to be social for their part, which was probably one of the reasons it fit them best. I also knew that they weren't gay and were just acting, but they played their roles very well. I only glanced up at them, though, because I was really fixated on my schoolwork problem.

Before we had gotten ourselves into that mess, I would study an hour before school, from the time we got home to when we ate dinner, which was about four hours, and then after dinner for another two hours. That way, I had two hours of free time before I went to sleep. It might have seemed like a lot, but some of my classes were pretty hard, and I was taking online classes on the weekend to get more credits. Also, I had to study for an exam to get into a college, Fuchu Nishi University of Psychology, that offered me a scholarship. Well, they were thinking about it. I had done an interview with them, at the very least. That would decide if I would take the exam.

Fuchu Nishi was the best in Japan in the field of Psychology, located in Tokyo, and it was my dream school. It was like the Ouran Academy of universities. Ever since I figured out I wanted to become a therapist, I had planned to study there. I'd be given a job immediately after graduating if they knew that was where I had gotten my degree from. It was too expensive to pay the admission, so the only way I could go there was if I got a full ride. If I had gotten in, I would have started college the very next year. I wouldn't have gotten to finish my time at Ouran. I'd have all my credits by the end of the year with all the extra courses, so I would be given my High School Degree and allowed to start Fuchu Nishi.

I hadn't heard back if I was going to be allowed to take the test, but I knew that a week after I heard the news was when I would take the exam. I had to make sure I was prepared, whether it went my way or not.

The Host Club took up about three hours after school of studying time. That meant I had to make even more time for it. The only real way to do it was to study while I ate lunch, which was thirty minutes, study while eating dinner, which was another thirty minutes, and then study during what used to be my free time before bed. I would literally be working around the clock, since all I did was math at the Club. I knew it would be worth it in the end, though.

It was hard to think, though, because Tamaki was nearby trying to lecture Haruhi or something. I didn't know what was happening, and I didn't want to. Or, I didn't until I heard it get quiet. I looked up from my work and saw Tamaki sitting in a corner, looking very depressed. I walked over to Haruhi and asked, "Why did you break Tamaki?"

"All I did was call him obnoxious. I didn't know he would react like that. I didn't even mean to say it out loud," Haruhi explained. I sighed. "Uh, I'm sorry, Tamaki-senpai."

The twins came up behind us and laughed. Hikaru said, "You're a hero, all right." They put their hands on her head.

I whispered to them so Tamaki wouldn't hear, "I am happy he finally stopped talking."

Kaoru joked, "We all are!" I laughed a bit with him.

Haruhi rubbed the back of her head and apologized, "I'm sorry, senpai, but your lesson did strike a small chord with me." He stood up and suddenly was back to his former self when he turned around.

"Really? It did? Let me teach you more, my friend," Tamaki smiled, stretching his hand out to her. Well, his mood changed fast, I thought.

She voiced what I had thought, "Well, he got over that quick."

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