Chapter 17

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As part of my effort to study as much as I needed to, I also studied during lunch. It was just easier for me. I could spread my books out on the large tables in the dining hall, and no one bothered me there. I had learned to drown out the noise, so it was perfect.

I was reading through my history textbook the day after Hikaru and Kaoru's fight, when someone came up to me and asked, "Hey, Azami, can I sit here?"

Without looking up as I tried to finish the page, "Uh, yeah. Just move the books if you need to. It won't bother me." I heard a few books slide and the person sit down. Once I had finished the page, I looked up and smiled, "Oh, hello, Kao-" I cut myself off, looking at his hair. It had been dyed blue. "Um, what happened to your hair?"

"I got it dyed so I wouldn't be mistaken for Hikaru anymore. He got his dyed pink. I can't believe he picked such an ugly color. At least blue actually suits me," he frowned.

"Speaking of your hatred for your brother, when are you going to tell the others that you're just pretending to fight?" I asked. When he stared at me in surprise, I smirked.

"How did you know?!" he demanded.

"You're pretty good actors, I'll give you that. You even fooled me for a while there. Still, even though I had to take extra time out of my schedule to think it over last night, I realized too many things were wrong about it. First, you both never fight. Second, you would never laugh at your brother. Third, you both keep looking at each other out of the corners of your eyes," I informed him. He frowned.

"I guess we did doubt you. We should have known," he sighed, resting his cheek in his palm. "So, are you gonna tell the others?"

"Of course not. I still don't know your motives, which is irritating, and I don't think you'll tell me. I want to wait and see what the reason is," I told him. He smiled a little at me. "Don't think this is for your benefit. This is strictly for my research."

Kaoru rolled his eyes playfully, "Yeah, sure, whatever, expert psychologist." He paused for a second before saying, "You know, I never even realized you ate in here until I was looking for somewhere else to sit so I could be away from Hikaru."

I said, "That's because I'm here studying and being quiet while you're eating with the other Hosts."

He asked, "Yeah, why do you do that? You could eat with us. We wouldn't mind. We're all friends, after all."

"Because I need the extra time to study. I'd never get anything done being around the rest of you. Also, I need the space of most of the table."

He protested, "But you're already so smart. You don't even need to study for your classes. I don't even think we have some of these classes here." He started looking at some of the books.

I nodded, "I know. I take online classes as well for extra credits."

He exclaimed, "You're going to be finished with high school by the end of the year!" Leafing through one of my folders, he stopped when he found something. "Fuchu Nishi?" He held up a piece of paper.

I immediately recognized it as my application, which still hadn't been filled out. I was going to do that during lunch. I snatched it from him quickly and dismissed, "It's nothing. Just a job application."

"I've never heard of a workplace called Fuchu Nishi University of Psychology," he stated suspiciously.

"Then, you don't get out much," I tried to fool him, but by the look he was giving me, I knew I was failing miserably. I sighed, "Alright, yeah, it's for the college. That's why I work so hard. I have to keep my grades up so I can get in. It's super competitive."

"You aren't even supposed to start applying until your third year, though," Kaoru argued.

I lied, "Fuchu Nishi accepts early applications." I still didn't want to tell him about how I had the chance to attend the next year.

He started, "So, working at the Host Club-"

I interrupted, "Takes up a lot of time I need, yes."

He told me, "But you don't have to work at the Host Club."

"I know, but it'll help get Haruhi's debt paid off faster. I'm not going to just abandon her. I'm the older sister, so it's my job to protect her," I declared. He smiled at me. "What?"

"You two kind of remind me of Hikaru and me. Just by how you're always watching out for her. We appreciate that," Kaoru said.

"People usually mistake us for twins because of how similar we look and how close we are. I think that's why I like being around you both so much. You understand us," I revealed.

"Is that how you're able to tell us apart? By how we act around you?"

"No. If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret," I grinned.

He frowned, "You're one of the very few people who can tell us apart, and you aren't even going to say how?"

I asked, cocking my head to the side, "So, it does bother you? No one being able to tell you apart?"


I explained, "I was thinking about this a lot last night, too. I didn't get the point of guessing who you were. You knew before that I could tell you apart, but it was almost like you wanted to make sure. I started remembering some things from when I first met you. How you were kinda cold and you're compliment was a little off. You two always keep to yourselves.

"Taking everything into consideration, I figured out you want people to tell you apart. To see you as two independent people rather than clumping you together. Nobody else has ever been able to do that, though. You've never let anyone else in. That's why you made that game. You want people to recognize your differences." He stared at me, wide-eyed. "I know I'm right about this. Even if you don't realize it yet, that's the psychological reasoning behind it."

Kaoru finally said, "If the university doesn't accept you, then they're idiots." We both smiled.

I didn't get any studying done during that lunch period. I just filled out my application and talked to him. Surprising to me, I actually enjoyed it. I didn't regret slacking off one bit.

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