Chapter 28

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Summer went by without a hitch, but it still ended too soon. I was back to my regular study routine, much to Kaoru's disappointment. At least one good thing was coming out of the end of summer break. I was going to Fuchu Nishi.

It was a school day, so my dad called me out and said I was sick, but would be back tomorrow. Haruhi was to inform the Host Club of this since we were meeting that day. Kyoya I was sure knew for a fact what I was doing, but I hadn't figured out how to tell the others. Especially Kaoru.

Dad walked me to the main entrance of the university. "Are you going to be okay? Do you want me to go with you?" he asked, obviously remembering what had happened when I went to take the entrance exam.

"I'll be okay. My whole scholarship isn't riding on this, so I won't freak out. Remember, I'm taking the bus back. Bye!" I told him. We said that we loved each other before I walked inside. Taking a deep breath, I went into the large auditorium.

There were only about fifty people there. That was how many they had narrowed it down to, but only a chosen one could win the scholarship. They were all talking and joking with each other, but I could see through it. Fake smiles, shaking hands, narrowed eyes... We were all nervous and sizing each other up.

What made everything harder was that all the students were a year older. I was the only one who was a second year. I didn't know if they would be able to tell that from looking at me, but they would definitely underestimate me.

When I opened the door, everyone had glanced me over, but dismissed me. One girl did walk over to me, though. "Hi, I'm Moriko Kimura, a third-year at Honji Public High School. It's nice to meet you...?" she waited for me to introduce myself. I groaned to myself, I hate this part.

I bowed to her and said, "I'm Azami Fujioka, a second-year at Ouran Private Academy."

Moriko's face twisted in distaste, "Oh. You're the girl from Ouran." A few of the people looked at me and started whispering.

I kept my cool, though extremely confused, "Excuse me?"

She glared, "We all heard there was a rich girl that was accepted, but I didn't think it'd be you. I'm a little disappointed. I expected someone a lot... grander. More polished."

"I'm sorry, I think there was a misunderstanding. I'm not rich in any sense of the word. I started Ouran this year after getting a scholarship there," I explained, shaking off her insults.

"So, the school is bribing the university instead of your parents? That's real low. You know, some of us actually can't afford the tuition and need this scholarship," she talked as if she was speaking to a child when she said the last sentence.

I glared, "I got this opportunity because of my intellect, not because I or the school I go to has money. And if you would like me to prove it to you, then I will."

"Go ahead. Try," Moriko challenged. I smirked.

"Your arms are crossed. You did that once you found out I was from Ouran, showing you are, in fact, intimidated by me. It also proves your hostility towards me and that you are now closed off. You are unwilling to be share information or to even act as though we are friends.

"You have straightened your back, trying to turn the tables and give off an air of confidence, though you now realize it is not working because you are slowly slumping your shoulders. Ah, don't even try to straighten up again. The damage has been done.

"Your lips are rather dry, indicating a dry mouth. You've kept licking them, most likely a nervous tick. Here, take this. I haven't used it. You need it more than I do," I took a tube of lip balm out of my pocket and put it in her hand. I didn't let go. "Your hands are shaking a lot. You've been caught, so you're even more nervous. It wasn't as noticeable until now. They were shaking before you came here. I could tell by the small burn on the side of your face." I released her hand and brushed away the foundation covering the burn. "See? Your hands were trembling when you were curling your hair this morning and burned yourself. Would you like me to continue?"

She stormed out of the auditorium, but the stares continued. Word had travelled fast, and no one had heard what I just said. All they knew was that I was from Ouran Academy. Their whispers carried throughout the room, reaching people who hadn't heard the information. I had only talked to one person and everyone had turned on me in a second.

I joked, "Just like I'm back in middle school, eh? At least they're all competition..."

I guess it wasn't that bad. I wasn't going to try to make friends anyway. The only thing I had to do was stay out of everyone's way. I ignored their glares and carried on, trying to enjoy myself. In the end, though, I was relieved to go home.

I got off at my bus stop and walked the two blocks to my apartment. My dad would have left for work and Haruhi would be home. It was about two hours after school ended.

After trudging up the stairs to the second floor, I fished my key out of my pocket. I unlocked the door and took off my shoes before entering. I called, "I'm back!" I frowned when she didn't answer me. She always called a greeting back. I stopped when I saw a vase on the table in the living room. It was blue and filled with orange roses. It hadn't been there when I left...

I walked over to Haruhi's room and slid the door open. She was doing her homework. I peeked my head in and wondered, "Hey, is something wrong? Where did the flowers come from?"

Haruhi answered without looking, "Kaoru came by. He felt bad that you were sick and brought you the flowers."

I froze, "What did you tell him?" She sighed and turned to me with apologetic eyes.

"I'm sorry. I had to tell him the truth, Azami," she revealed.

"You told him where I was? What was happening? You promised, Haruhi!" I exclaimed, sliding the door open all the way.

"He wanted to see you! Even when I said you might be contagious, he insisted. I couldn't lie. He was really mad, but there was no getting around it," she explained. I tugged at my hair in frustration. The day was not going well.

"When did he come by?" I asked.

"A few minutes ago. You may be able to catch him if you run. He said his driver parked farther away to draw less attention to us this time," she informed me. And he had to be courteous! I kicked myself.

I bolted out the door and down the stairs. I had to catch him. I had to explain. I didn't even care if he told the Host Club; he had to know the truth. Would he understand? At least a little? He must have realized I didn't want him to find out like that.

"Where would he have gone?" I wondered once I was on the sidewalk. I guessed he would have parked closer in the direction of his house. I took off again, apologizing to the people I knocked into. I didn't have the time to walk. He was going to leave any second.

I ran down the block and stopped when I saw an expensive, black car already riding way. I panted as I watched it leave my field of vision. I growled and kicked a brick wall near me, welcoming the pain.

If I had just told, just spit it out, he wouldn't have been as angry. Or hurt. Or confused. Or whatever he was feeling. I couldn't even imagine it. The one person he trusted that wasn't his brother had been keeping secrets the whole. What did that mean for him? For us?

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