Chapter 15

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I was walking down the sidewalk, alone, to the main building. I was going to eat lunch in the picnic tables there. Suddenly, it started raining. Just my luck. It wasn't too hard, but everyone ran for cover. I muttered, "Great."

I looked over at a group of students running together for shelter. Once they got under the ledge of the building, the girls started giggling about how fun it was to run in the rain. I stopped and stared at them, sighing. Then, as if to mock me, a boy from the group shrugged off his jacket and put it on a girl's shoulders who had been shivering. I assumed that she was his girlfriend. She thanked him by giving him a kiss. The corners of my mouth tipped down sadly. I would never have any of that.

I decided to continue trekking through the rain. Finally, soaking wet, I decided going all the way to the main building was a waste. I just sat down under a tree instead. It offered some cover from the down pour, but I still felt the drops of water hitting my head. I placed my lunch next to me, having lost my appetite.

Then, I heard someone call, "Hey, Azami!" I looked over and saw Kaoru limping towards me, wearing his basketball uniform. I smiled at little at him, but seeing his limp, it dropped.

Once he was within hearing distance, I asked, "What are you doing here? I thought you had a game today. And what happened to your leg?" He carefully sat down as to not hurt himself again.

"I got pulled out of the game because I sprained my knee, but Hikaru kept playing. I just got back from the doctor. Since it was an away game, I'll have to tell him I'm fine when he gets back," he told me, giving me a lopsided smile. "Why are you alone?"

I laughed bitterly, "It's like you expect to see me with people. When have I never not been alone besides when being around you, your brother, or Haruhi?"

He shrugged, "I just can never understand how no one ever talks to you. You're such a great person that even with the shyness and you always studying, someone else should realize it."

I sighed, "Yeah, well, I'm just commoner scum to them. Everyone would probably be happier if I was gone."

"I wouldn't be. I'd be a wreck. You belong at this school, Azami. If anyone deserves this chance, it's you, and if no one else can see that, then they're morons. Just because you're not rich, doesn't mean you're disgusting," he assured me.

"You don't really believe that."

"What would I get out of lying?" he asked. My eyes stared at him, wide, and my mouth gaped a little. That was the exact reason why I liked him so much. He saw me in such a different light. I didn't care what anyone else thought as long as he was there to support me.

We both leaned our faces in automatically, almost like we were in a trance. I couldn't hear anything but our breathing. When our lips were just an inch apart, he suddenly pulled away and turned his head. He wasn't even looking at me. "I'm sorry, Azami. I just can't do this."

I stood up and shouted, tears trailing down my cheeks, "You're rejecting me, too?! I should have known you weren't any different from the rest of them! You just pitied me and led me on!"

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