Chapter Three

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     The Romans didnt look easy, they were all scary.

     We made two lines. One for the greeks and one for the romans. When you look at our line, we were smaller and maybe weaker than the Romans. Ace was infront of our line. Ace then announced the Cabin Leader of the Roman representing Mars. "Meet Scott. Scott here won the last games. Greeks, make sure to respect him. With his mentoring skills, you will survive in the arena. Scott, explain our activities please" "Good Morning Romans and Greeks" Scott's deep voice made me scared much more. Scott was wearing suit and tie which made him more proffesional.

     "Starting this day, we will go to Mount Olympus where you will be interviewed by the Olympians. Well, they can help you by sponsoring. Sponsoring. Such a powerful word. During the games, the Gods can give you gifts that can help you survive. 

      "After the interview, you will have the feast at night. Where you will have the dinner with the Gods and with the other players. The next three days, you will have the training. During those days, you need to show your skills infront of the judges because at the end of those days, they will announce the Scale Point which determines your chance of winning and swear it must be high. You dont want to look weak infront of the Gods and your camps itself and especially your co-players. When you have a low SP, others will think that your weak. An easy kill. After that day, you will have the Olympic Parade. You will be going on a parade infront of the Olympians, other Gods and your Camp Members as well. And at the next morning, the Games will begin. Now, would you like to go in the bus in pairs. One greek, one roman." 

     The players started to go inside the bus in pairs and as I was about to go inside, my partner, a Roman push me aside and I was humiliated by her infront of Ace and Scott. They were behind us.

  As we sat together, she said "I am so sorry, I was just showing a good impresion to Ace and Scott thats why I push you aside and went in first." "Nah, it's fine." I said. The girl has one braid at her side and she had a beautiful brown straight hair at her back. They worn their uniform which is a black shirt that says "RD" in an orange print and some jogging pants of theirs. "Im Benj, actually." I said starting the conversation.

     "Bree. A daughter of Mars." she said. "Hey, could you give me some information about the Roman players?" I said. "Well, we are all volunteers." Bree said. "YOUR WHAT?" I shouted and everyone stared at me. "I am so sorry" I said humiliating myself. "Well, perhaps you would like to tell me why did you shout?" said Scott.

      Bree said that they are all volunteers and Scott laughed. "Yes, yes. All the roman players are volunteers. Which means they are stronger. Why are they stronger?"

      The next events are so scary that Greeks might jump out of the windows. 

     "Yes. Because of my win last year, we had a huge advantage for the next games. Mars visited us and he announced that there will be a gladiator game. He then picked these eight demigods and he brought them into Mars' Training Room in Mount Olympus. And As I announced the games, these eight Demigods Volunteer. Yeah, Greeks. You all should be scared. Mars taught them everything." Scott then laughs and sat down. 

     I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Bree asked "You okay?" I didnt nod. "Yes, Mars thought us. But what's the matter. Dont listen to that Scotty. He is a jerk back home." said Bree. "Yeah. Thanks for the comfort." I said.

     Bree and I had a beautiful conversation about Mars. We laughed, giggle a little and we keep continuing the conversation until Ace shouted "Alright players, Welcome to Mount Olympus"


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