Chapter Seven

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     I dreamt about My Father.

     It was night, a full moon appeared. I looked up and saw a man, soaring. He was flying. Oh wait, he wasn't flying, he was riding a Pegasus. The man was my father, Ares. Then came another man, riding a Pegasus, chasing him. It was beautiful to see them, soaring high with colored glitters at their back. I just keep looking until they went down.

     There was a hill. I realize that this was a farm land.

     In the hill, the two man rested. I run for them but hide. I saw Ares, looking pale. They both were tired as I look at their faces. The other man was a woman. Ares was walking away from her while the girl kept going near him.

     "Ares, please. Admit it. You did it." said the girl. "No, I didn't do it! Why wont you listen?" said Ares.

     They both were armors. I think I know this girl.

     "Were partners, remember. I wont tell anybody. Artemis has Apollo, Aphrodite has Hephaestus and you got me. Tell Me, did you do it?" said the girl. "Yes, Athena. I did it. I know it is forbidden, its that her face is so pretty and I was drunk, ok?" Tears came out from the eyes of Ares.

      For the first time, the war god was sad, lonely and crying. I need to put this on instagram.

      "Now, what will you do, tell me to Zeus, curse me?" said Ares. "No, of course. But we need to reveal it to him. He is your son." said Athena. "Yes. He will know as he grows. But, he doesn't know what the real thing is." said Ares. "Where is she now?" said Athena. "On a quest. Apollo made me a huge favor. He supported me. I ask him to deliver Alice to a far away land to seek something." said Apollo. "Well, whats your plan? You must have one. Because of this, you made history. It was the first time. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME." said Athena. "Put him on the games." said Ares. As I listen to their conversation, Ares saw me. He looked closer and suddenly I woke up.

      The first thing that I saw was a man, dressed in robes. Putting his hand on my bruise and cursing. I was lying down on bed, naked. "Hey, hey. Your awake already." said the man. "Who are you?" Then suddenly, his hands glow and my bruise was gone.

     Even though Im naked, it was fine because he was healing me so no need to ask "Why are letting yourself be seen naked?"

     "Apollo, well duh." Apollo said. Among the Gods, Apollo was the youngest I think because he was darn handsome. His white skin was flawless, no hair. His hair was curled up at the back. He shaved and he was muscular.

     "No need for stories, Ares told me everything already." said Apollo. "What happened, really? Why did they attacked me?" I said. "Well, they were possessed by an Eidolon. A possessing spirit. An evil creature. Don't know why, but all of them was possessed." said Apollo.

     All of them. Including my best friend, Cheese. So that means that Cheese is back? Yes! I missed the old Cheese. The Cheese that doesn't like to kill me.

     "Thanks" I said. "Sure." He said, putting his hands on my face and looking at my eyes. "You sure is different." said Apollo.

     Afterwards, he said something. "Thank me for healing you. Thank the two brave men who saved you." At first I was confused. But I know them already. I think they were greeks.

     "Where are the others? Ares, Cheese, Bree and Alec? Who saved me?" I said, harshly. "They are all in the other side. My kids are healing. If you are asking that why didn't I heal them. It is because your scars are worst. Only I can fix them. And the two boys who saved you is in the terrace. Go to that door and thank them." said Apollo. I started to stand up and walk towards the door. "Hey!" Apollo shouted. "What?" I said, mocking him. Then he raise a bathrobe. "Oh, yeah." I looked into my body and I was naked. Totally forgot them. "Thanks, Apollo." I wore them and went outside the terrace. The Two boys were holding the bars and seems that they didn't notice me. They were chatting that's why. "Hey." I said. They all looked back and it was..

     Scott and Ace. They both saved me. They all gesture me to stand with them. I stand in between them.

     "Well, thanks, by the way." I said, humiliating myself. "No problem." Scott smiled and rub my hair like I was a dog. He then put his arms around me. "So, how did you find me?" I said. "Attendance check and you were gone with the others. Well, there is one place to look for. It is the training room." said Ace. "What happened?" I said. They all started the story.


     "One, two.. twelve. Incomplete. Huh?" said Ace. "Let's go to Mars." As they room around, the God was missing too. "He must be training the others." said Scott. "So stubborn." said Ace. And he was correct. As they got in, they saw me running in the hurdles and chased by Bree and Cheese. They saw Mars and Alec watching me die from the two. As Ares saw Scott and Ace, he disappeared while Alec prepared to fight. "Oh, we don't need a fight Alec." said Scott, laughing. "Ladies." said Ace.

     Dozens of ladies from the Aphrodite Cabin rushed from the door and started pulling the tshirt and pants of Alec. They were so many that Alec couldn't stand because of a thousand kisses coming from them. The two went laughing.

     They followed me by the trail of my blood and saw me. They battled Mars and together they put him to sleep. Scott carried me to Apollo and End of story.

*At Present*

     "Woah, Aphrodite beat Alec. Cool! Well, whats our plan now." I said. Then coming from the door, Cheese went in, crying. "I am so sorry Benjie" said Cheese. He hugged me so tight that he made me cry. In the past few hours, Our friendship was bad. "It's okay." I said. I put my arms around me, thanked Scott and Ace and went to the Pharmacy, thanked Apollo and went back to the feast.

      As went in the Feast Room, it was a complete disaster. The tables are broken, food was on the floor, chairs were scattered.

     "What happened here?" I whispered. "Where is everybody? Where are they?" said Cheese. Then suddenly, the Big Door suddenly shut. We were locked. Me and Cheese were opening the door but it was locked. We shout out for help until One man appeared at our backs.

     "Ready for Round two?" Ares appeared holding two swords. He then charged at us.


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