The Almost Kiss and the First Memory

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Now, I will NOT take hate on Leslie. She shouldn't be the one being blamed for what is about to happen.

Continue on...

"How are you doing?" Leslie asked, glancing over at Dean.

Dean chuckled as he opened another beer bottle, "You bought me a six pack of beer to calm me down, I'm great."

Leslie rolled her eyes as she leaned back into the couch. Phil was the only one that was allowed to stay with Riley at the hospital, so Leslie brought Dean back to the house. He was doing great. He had actually accepted everything and he had a long talk with Riley.

"You woke up, screaming." She said, picking at her nails. She wasn't even asleep an hour when she heard Dean screaming. It was obvious that he was having a nightmare about the accident.

"Been happening every night since the accident." Dean said.

"Is that why you look like hell?" She asked. It was obvious to everyone that this was hard on Dean, so it was no shock that he hasn't been sleeping. How could they expect him to sleep? This was the second time that he had been in an accident like this and he's been perfectly fine.

He laughed, "That's not very nice of you, Les."

Leslie's eyebrows rose, "I meant to ask you earlier but I didn't. When did you start calling me, Les?" Leslie laughed, "We've never had a friendship like that. You know, where you would call me by my nickname."

He took a sip of his beer, "Am I not allowed to call you that? Some weird bedroom name between you and Romes?"

Leslie blushed causing him to laugh. She pushed at his shoulder, trying to stop herself from laughing.

"For your information everyone calls me Les, except you...until a few seconds ago." She said, crossing her arms.


Dean suddenly put his bottle down, "Are you okay? What's going on?"

Leslie rolled her eyes as she placed her hand on her stomach.

"It's nothing bad, the baby just decided it would be great to start having a damn soccer game." Leslie said, rubbing her stomach.

"Princess just misses her dad." Dean muttered. Leslie smiled, slightly.

"Her dad is never around so how would she miss him." She said. Dean looked over at her.

Maybe Age Doesn't Matter ♡ Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now