The Jail Visit and the 'Truth' About Kenny

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Thanks to @CheyenneFanFics for the wonderful cover ♡♡

Dean watched as Phil walked back to them with a frown on his face

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Dean watched as Phil walked back to them with a frown on his face.

"Only one person can go in, and the others wait outside." Phil told him. Leslie immediately looked over at her dad.

"No, she's not going in there then." Leslie said, crossing her arms, "I was only okay with this because I was going to go with her."

"I agree with Les, I don't trust her in there with him alone." Dean added, "I don't care if there's a glass between them. He obviously will do something to get in her head."

Riley rolled her eyes, "Once again, you guys are talking about me as if I'm not here."

Riley hated that everyone was keeping secrets from her. The only person that had talked to her as if she were normal would be her damn therapist. She didn't understand why she needed a therapist, but it was the only person that she could talk to.

"Why don't you guys ever ask me for what I want to do?" Riley asked, "Honestly, if I want to visit my boyfriend in prison then I can. Just because I don't remember the past six months, doesn't mean that I am incapable of making my own decisions."

"This is why I didn't want this to happen." Leslie said, motioning towards Riley.

Riley rolled her eyes, "Honestly, I don't understand what he did to make you guys hate him so much. I understand that he might be in prison, but until you guys or he tells me the reason to why all of this is the way it is, I will trust in him."

Leslie sent Dean a look. It was obvious that Dean was probably the only one that could get through to Riley. He could never tell her to not go in there though. Dean was obviously against her going in there, but if it meant her seeing Kenny as the asshole that he is, he was okay with it. It just annoyed him that there was a slight chance that Kenny would put on his good guy act. How was he suppose to get all those stupid things that Kenny tells her out of her head? He was scared that she would go in there, and then come back out exactly the same.

"If she wants to see him then let him see him." Dean said, ignoring the look that Leslie was sending him.

Leslie crossed her arms. She was upset that she's the only one against Riley seeing Kenny. It was okay when she would be going in there with her because she could shoot Kenny down incase he started talking shit.

"Okay, let's get you there." Phil said, knowing that he had to go in there with her. He was only allowed outside the doors because Riley was underage and she needed to have parental consent.

Maybe Age Doesn't Matter ♡ Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now