Chapter 25

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I had to go and get M-21 out of the void before it was too late and death beat me to him.
All around was pure white all around. The void between if you would survive or die.
But where was M-21?

Vince: man, I can never beat you, can I?

Vince had finally made it here too.

Mei: is not his time to die just yet Vince. He deserves another chance.

Vince: of course, you would say that. Then you better go get him.

I turned my head and there he was. I called out to him but I don't think he quite heard me.

M-21: what?

Mei: your eyes.

I was snapped back into reality and opened my eyes.

Yuna: look, his eyes are open!
Sui: he woke up! Are you okay?

M-21 had woken up. That's good. I managed to save him.

Ikhan: we thought you were dying...

M-21: ...

Suddenly, Seira and Frankenstein had finally appeared.

Shinwu: seira's here, too!
Yuna: Chairman!
Ikhan: how did you get here?....hang on...of Regis isn't a notrmal human being, then Seira...

Frankenstein: everyone okay?

Yuna: please, call an ambulance, chairman! We're okay, but shinwu and Regis...

Ikhan: and mister is hurt badly.

Regis: I am fine.

Ikhan: are you sure? You got hurt pretty bad too.

Shinwu: I'm okay, too. It was not a serious injury. But mister is hurt worse.

Yuna: chairman, please take mister to the hospital right away. ...he was only trying to protect is. Its because of is that he's hurt.

M-21: ....

Frankenstein: you tried to save the children? Good work.

M-21: ....hmph. I only did what was expected of me.

M-21 looked at me and smiled slightly.

Frankenstein: for now, we need to relocate. The three is you, please give shinwu a hand. Regis, can you walk without assistance?

Regis: of course.

Frankenstein: Seira, please help M-21.

Seira nodded.
Then Frankenstein turned to Tao.

Frankenstein: get. You'll find your injured teammate in the rooftop of the nearby building. Bring him, and follow is.

Tao: ah, yes.

Everyone helped each other and was lead out.
I felt Rai's hand grip mine tighter. And I started to feel dizzy.

Frankenstein: are you both okay?

I looked up at Rai and he was whipping blood from his mouth with his hand. It nearly have me a heart attack, and I'm sure Frankenstein noticed too.

Frankenstein: Master?!

I felt my knees go weak and I stumbled over, but Rai caught me.

Frankenstein: mistress?!

I had to transfer Rai most of my energy in order to make the blood field that strong. And a little more just in this moment. I feel so tired.

Mei: ...we're okay, Frankenstein.

Frankenstein: ...your both hurt.

Rai: not enough for you to worry.

I turned and managed to give Frankenstein a smile.

Mei: ...the children...they asked it of us.

Frankenstein: .... mistress, you have dark circles under your eyes.

Mei: embarrassing...I must need rest then....Rai, can you carry me back. I'm gonna sleep for a while.

Rai hesitated for a moment but gave me a nod. Then he picked me up in his arms and I leaned my head in his chest.

Mei: thanks. I won't be long.

Right there, I fell asleep instantly.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now