Chapter 38

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The next day in school was as lively as ever. Shinwu ended up late again. Apparently, Ikhan wasn't able to wake him up.
Rai was already in the classroom sitting in his chair and looking out the window in silence as he usually does. I was out in the hallway of the class looking out the bigger Windows. I could see some of the students outside getting ready for P.E.

Mei: ...franky has made such a wonderful school.

I turned and walked back into the class. It seemed as if people tried to talk to him but again, the atmosphere scares them off.

How he managed to get friends like Ikhan and shinwu with his posture, I'll never understand.

Mei: Rai~

Raizel: ....

Mei: how's your Butt...? pfft...

Raizel: ....

Mei: haha. I was thinking of going out tonight to this island across the way I went to a while back and go see the animals. Wanna come? Its not far from here.

Raizel: ....Do I have a choice?

Mei: of course...but with me, you don't.

Raizel: ....
After school, I had to steal Rai away from everyone, even franky. Seriously, everyone was out for Rai for some reason, especially the kids.

It took us a while to get to island. My legs started to hurt so much from jumping. I even had to use my shape shifting ability to fly me and Rai across the waters, till we finally made it.

Mei: finally!

Raizel: ...what is the name?

Mei: ...of the island? Its called big moon island. Its a jungle really. I always thought that because it was such a big and round it has a lot of curves.

Raizel: ....

Mei: Its been over sixteen hundred years since I last been here. It only took about a month to explore it all. And I never found life besides animal life here. More than there should be acually...there are some here you'd never expect to see.

Raizel: what species?

Mei: hmm....I remember harmless animals like different birds, rabbits, Fox, deer, zebra, giraffe, and even monkeys....but there are vicious ones like bears, lions, tigers, gorillas, and snakes. So we better be careful....well, you better be careful.

Raizel: ....

For a while we explored and seen many different animals, some small, and the bigger ones we try to stay as far away as possible to not get attacked by them.
I kept feeling something was off though. Some of the animals seemed....bigger. Bigger than I remember actually. There was even a bear a while back that was at least four times the size it should have been. And even the small animals seemed to have grown the unusual size than they should have been.


Me and Rai then went to go check out the lions in their pride land, but remembering to stay hidden and keep our distance.

Mei: ....something isn't right...

Raizel: ...

Mei: lions shouldn't be that big, their like three times their usual size. None of the animals looked like there supposed too....

I leaped up and landed straight in the middle of lion territory.
Up close all of them were ten times my sizes, but three times their own size.
Immediately, all of them got vicious when they saw me.

Mei: did you all get this size?

Suddenly, there was a loud roar. One I could only expect to come from the king lion.
This lion was at least one more size larger than the rest.
It came down and stalked upon me.
But...there was something familiar about this lion.
I reached my hand out to it, but it jerked back in defense.

Mei: ....did you all get this way through mutation or something?

I heard a loud slithering sound.
It came in Rai's direction.

Mei: ...Rai....?

I glanced around my shoulder to Rai's position, and I froze.

Mei: ....titanoboa...?

What the hell is a snake like that doing on this side of the jungle...?!

Mei: not move.

I was about to head towards Rai, but the lions stopped me.

Mei: ....move!

With a single word, it compelled all the lions to step back. I quickly rushed towards Rai, and stood in front of him.

I need to get this boa away from the pride land or it might hurt the lions....or eat them.

But there was something familiar about this's eyes.

Mei: oh you have got to be kidding me.

The boa then attacked, I quickly and swiftly was able to catch it by bott it's fangs with my hands and lock its has down with my foot.

Mei: I can say this is the right look for you, you slimy basterd.

I kicked up with my other foot, sending the boa flying back and landing with a loud thud.
I grabbed Rai by the wrist and we rushed back to the spot we were when we came here and left the island.
After a while, we made it back home.

Frankenstein: Master, mistress, your back. Where have you been?

Mei: ...we just went out to have fun, Frankenstein. No need to worry.

Frankenstein then looked at Rai to confirm this, and he just nodded.

Mei: well, since we're back. Frankenstein, can you fix us some tea please?

Frankenstein: ....of course.

After Frankenstein left the room I sat down and let out a long sigh of relief. Rai sat down next to me.

Mei: sorry Rai, that didn't go as planned.

Raizel: ...that was Vince.

Mei: you noticed?

Raizel: I could tell by the eyes.

So he noticed too huh?

Mei: ...another thing I don't understand is how those animals for so big, I think Vince might of have something to do with it....maybe....sorry about today Rai.

Raizel: ....I had fun.

Mei: you did?

Raizel: even though it was unusual, I've never seen animals, since I've always stayed in lukedonia...

Mei: well, I think I just showed you animals that weren't even normal.

Raizel: was fun. I had fun with you Mei.

Rai looked down at me and smiled. Then he leaned down and kissed the top of my forehead.

Mei: .... I'm glad.

Cadis Etrama Di Mei: Noblesse's Wife (Noblesse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now